Smithr, I am seen by a doctor. In some cases, pending on what doctor you go to, they are open to medical marijuana use. I know that to a lot of people, the idea of using marijuana to help ones symptoms can be considered a bit taboo, but as with any "illegal drug," it becomes legal if it helps the individual in need.
Though I use marijuana to treat some of my symptoms, I am still a firm believer in knowing as with any drug... It has it's time and place. There are different strains of marijuana... some that will give you a body high, as you described above, and then others that primarily focus on other things.
As for the addictive part of it, for most people marijuana is not addictive unless the person has an extremely addictive personality, in which case they can become addicted to anything, be it food, video games, or other substances. I only use it roughly about twice a month, when my headaches become unbearable. Otherwise if I can stand the pain I'm in, I tend to avoid it, due to the negative connotations.
Because of the severity of my headaches, regular headache medicine doesn't work for me. The only other option would to become a pill popper... pills like percocete and vicoden are highly addictive.
Marijuana is legal in the state of Washington, which is where I live. There are dispenseries everywhere and they treat the drug much like alcohol, you aren't supposed to drive with it and it isn't to be consumed on the streets, and if you appear blitzed out of your mind behind the wheel, there will be serious consequences.
So with that said, the main thing that I am trying to get across here is that it can be a miracle drug for some people, but it has it's time and place.
Still if anyone does not agree with anything I've posted here, I understand. For some it can be a hard pill to swallow, and me coming from a very strict background of no drugs or alcohol I had a tough decision to make because I do care about my image.