Feeding issues with my deaf daughter.

We have had a breakthrough. Ashley is not only opening her mouth for the spoon but leaning forward to meet if I don't get it there fast enough. She is eating whole 4 oz jars of baby food and sometimes about 2 oz of pudding too. She is doing so good now. She has gained a little more weight. She is on her way. Thanks for all of the advice.
We have had a breakthrough. Ashley is not only opening her mouth for the spoon but leaning forward to meet if I don't get it there fast enough. She is eating whole 4 oz jars of baby food and sometimes about 2 oz of pudding too. She is doing so good now. She has gained a little more weight. She is on her way. Thanks for all of the advice.

:dance2::dance: I'm so happy for you and Ashley!
Congrates, just need to wait and as long as they stay playful and learning, then they are fine. Docs can tell if a baby is not being feed or not. If she gets sluggish, tired and just spacing, then she is not getting enough food. If she is driving you nuts and everything, and not gaining wieght, then that is how she is. Not all kids are textbook kids. I know, my wife and I have 2 kids that do their own thing. My son will be 5 in a couple weeks and don't weigh over 35 lbs and my daughter will be 2 in Oct and still fits in some 12 month old baby clothes
Thanks for the encouragement. I haven't been on in a while. Ashley is eating a little better. We are still at about 17 1/2 to 18 pounds though. She will be 2 in a week. She is so active it is hard to get weight on her. I just keep on trying.
Thanks for the encouragement. I haven't been on in a while. Ashley is eating a little better. We are still at about 17 1/2 to 18 pounds though. She will be 2 in a week. She is so active it is hard to get weight on her. I just keep on trying.

If she is really active and mentally alert then it shows that she is getting what she needs. As others have said, if she was sluggish, always tired and not able to concentrate then that is more worrying.
I know or feel she is fine. Her dad is 5'10 and weighs a whopping 125lbs socking wet. He and his granddad are small frames and thin. It is her gastro doc that has me worried. He is pushing a g tube if she doesn't gain weight at the rate he thinks she should. I am fighting it all the way. I feel as long as she is growing learning and not loosing weight she will be fine. If she starts to loose then I will worry. We get about a 1/2 to a pound a month. I think that is good for a child that never sits still. She even tosses and turns in her sleep. Thanks for all of the encouragement and reassurance. I am a worry wort at times.
it sound like your daughter is fussy eater
i was very fussy eater when i was baby my mom tried everything to get me to eat but i did eat banana, mush potatoes and etc.. but i grew up and begin to eat just like everybody still i am little fussy on some of the foods

but i am glad that ashley is doing well smile
I know or feel she is fine. Her dad is 5'10 and weighs a whopping 125lbs socking wet. He and his granddad are small frames and thin. It is her gastro doc that has me worried. He is pushing a g tube if she doesn't gain weight at the rate he thinks she should. I am fighting it all the way. I feel as long as she is growing learning and not loosing weight she will be fine. If she starts to loose then I will worry. We get about a 1/2 to a pound a month. I think that is good for a child that never sits still. She even tosses and turns in her sleep. Thanks for all of the encouragement and reassurance. I am a worry wort at times.

I tend to agree with your thoughts - you know your daughter better than the doctor does. As long as she is putting on weight and is acting as a healthy, active, curious, learning toddler then you can't be doing too much wrong. I would go for a second opinion with another doctor before opting for the g tube. From what you have described of her, she'd probably not be too impressed and would want to yank it out and pull it apart to see how it works LOL!
Ashley's mom.. You have to remember... You live with her 24/7 and know her very well, The doctors dont' know her like you do. So do what YOU feel is best for Ashley. Doctors can recommend ways to help her, but in the end, it's really up to you.

I don't agree with putting a tube in her if you've said she's very active, and gaining slowly. I know it can be worrysome. But remember, she's your daughter, as long as she's happy and You're happy, then things will work out.
Thanks to you all for the encouragement. I hope the doc doesn't push the issue. I don't want to seem like I don't care but that is it I do very much so. And yes, Ashley would be one to pull at it and try to get it out. She is so curious. I love that about her. That tells me she is wanting to learn about things. BTW she turned the big 2 yesterday. She was full of her self all day.
Happy Birthday Ashley! I have just read this thread and wanted to give you a big hug and tell you what a great job you are doing! I am a single parent of a eight year old and know how challenging it can be at times. I am so happy that you let your daughter be who she is, that stubborn streak will serve her well in life! Hugs!
Happy Birthday to Ashley! Sounds like she has come a long way and is doing well. I agree with BearBeauty. :)
Thanks to you all for the encouragement. I hope the doc doesn't push the issue. I don't want to seem like I don't care but that is it I do very much so. And yes, Ashley would be one to pull at it and try to get it out. She is so curious. I love that about her. That tells me she is wanting to learn about things. BTW she turned the big 2 yesterday. She was full of her self all day.

Give her a birthday hug from me!!! She is just so cute and adorable!!! I would love to meet her someday!
I think sometimes it's better to have a curious and active child rather than a listless kid. Though, that bouts of stubborn streak must have driven you up the walls at times, but I believe it'll help her fight for herself while growing up. By the sound of it she's doing her own things at her own pace.
I hope she'll gain the necessary weights soon. Happy Birthday to her. :)

Remember doctors do not always know the best for your child. Believe me, my mother have had to fight against some experts' suggestions for me when I was young and she won the battles.
Just a quick update. Ashley is now 18 lbs and 10 ounces. She is gaining weight better and also eating much better. The docs are impressed with what we have been doing with her. They said she is gaining around 7 to 8 grams a day which is very good. She is getting so big. She is walking every where and climbing all over the furniture. She will be starting preschool on Monday. I am so proud of her. Thanks for all of the advice.
Just a quick update. Ashley is now 18 lbs and 10 ounces. She is gaining weight better and also eating much better. The docs are impressed with what we have been doing with her. They said she is gaining around 7 to 8 grams a day which is very good. She is getting so big. She is walking every where and climbing all over the furniture. She will be starting preschool on Monday. I am so proud of her. Thanks for all of the advice.

Another milestone....ready for preschool. Glad to hear that she has continued to eat better and gain weight. Enjoy your Christmas with your little miracle.
Another milestone....ready for preschool. Glad to hear that she has continued to eat better and gain weight. Enjoy your Christmas with your little miracle.

Thank You. Hope you have an enjoyable Christmas too.
oh other idea.. whats are her favorite tv chars.. i.e.. Dora, Disney chars, or colors.. then buy silverwares for toddlers..
I have problem with feeding my last daughter Marsha, shes 3.. she is SO picky.... so i bought her favorite char.. Dora, etc.. now she eatting food with them.. :)
or something comes with plate, silverware, cup.. that something she can look at or feeling great to have them and eat with it..
that is great progress with feeding issues and ashley is doing good i am glad and have good holidays smile

i am glad that ashley is goind well eating smile