FDA examining antibacterial soaps, body washes

My computer put a block on your link , I am getting a warning about it being a risk to open.
My computer put a block on your link , I am getting a warning about it being a risk to open.
CNN should be safe to open. What does your warning message say exactly? (Some "warning" messages are themselves spam links.)
I remember about Softsoap removed triclosan in 2010-2011.

Antibacterial agents like triclosan has no benefit so should banned from use in soap.
Problems with thyroid function is a good reason to ban it.
I think it just weakens your immune system anyway just plain old soap is good enough :)
I think it just weakens your immune system anyway just plain old soap is good enough :)

i reckon so too, like its more harmful not just to germs but to us too!, and I'd say it's 'dirty business' selling things supposedly 'clean' when it actually would do harm.
i reckon so too, like its more harmful not just to germs but to us too!, and I'd say it's 'dirty business' selling things supposedly 'clean' when it actually would do harm.

Sorta, I mean you build immunities by being exposed to things, it's like okay analogy.....your immune system is like a boxer, it needs to train, to go up the big guys. If you're immune system is never exposed to germs it gets weak and lazy and isn't an effective fighter when something big comes along. For instance I'd never get a flu shot unless my immune syst was compromised in some way. Fighting stuff off actually makes your immune system stronger. So if you're this boxer that never trains, never get exposed to germs at all, if you come up against something nasty, you're going to get knocked out.
I'm allergic to triclosan... As well as many fake fragrances. Triclosan is in toothpaste too.
I had clients that lived to be 80 , 90 or 100 yo and they never used antibacterial soaps.
I can't remember what the source was .
Sorry, didn't mean to interrogate you. Just be careful of pop up warnings. Sometimes they aren't real. As long as you just close the pop up's and not click on any links within them you should be fine. :)
Sorry, didn't mean to interrogate you. Just be careful of pop up warnings. Sometimes they aren't real. As long as you just close the pop up's and not click on any links within them you should be fine. :)

It could also be something that got slipped in with a download, like that horrid macafee, crap I don't remember how to spell it, lame business. They try to slip that crap by you so you have to be careful when you download. Like if you download a new adobe version for instance. Probably would be a good idea to run a scan. Malware bytes is good, and it's free, it's not one of the crappy malware software that is itself spyware.
Sorry, didn't mean to interrogate you. Just be careful of pop up warnings. Sometimes they aren't real. As long as you just close the pop up's and not click on any links within them you should be fine. :)

I didn't think you where interrogating me, I just am getting very forgetful .