FDA about to ban supplementary nutrition products in stores

If they do banned those stuff, very high rebellion will come.
Be sure to sign this particular petition at Democracy In Action - before April 30th when it expires. THIS IS A VERY IMPORTANT PETITION.

I'm worried. No one here seems to understand the real, imminent danger and consequences behind CODEX. This is serious enough, and it is not a matter of whether it's a real conspiracy. It is REAL, backed up with facts such as the FDA's declaration to comply with CODEX, also backed up with a link I have provided to the direct statement. It will be posted at the bottom of this post.

First, CODEX is the brainchild of a real war criminal. A Nazi scientist named Fritz ter Meer. He headed a company called IG Farben that manufactured and was the key supplier of Zyklon B, the poison gas used at the concentration camps that killed the Jews.

IG Farben Trial: Information from Answers.com


"This dark period of German history is inextricably bound to one man, Fritz ter Meer: [my comment: ter Meer was a central figure in helping Hitler rise to power - without ter Meer, this may very likely not have been possible]

* He was a member of the Managing Board of IG Farben from its inception to its dissolution. As the Wartime Manager, he was responsible for IG Auschwitz.

* In the Nuremberg Tribunal, ter Meer stated: "Forced labor did not inflict any remarkable injury, pain, or suffering on the detainees, particularly since the alternative for these workers would have been death."

* In 1948, ter Meer was sentenced by the Nuremberg Tribunal to seven years in prison for plundering and slavery.

* In 1952, his sentence was commuted, due to the influence of powerful friends.

* From 1956-1964, he was reinstated as a member of the Managing Board of Bayer AG.

The Dr. Rath Health Foundation | Responsibility for a healthy world


If you are able to really THINK, you'll understand that the FDA is simply trying to "boil the frog slowly" to fit in with the Codex Alimentarius agreement. There's just no other way. Making a sudden change take place will probably not work, but a gradual change will. Remember: the FDA has declared its intent to comply with CODEX.

I would like for people here to prove me wrong on the history itself of how CODEX was set up. This list of "facts" will give you an overview on trends taking place in other countries across the globe, including the U.S.

Remember again: The US and FDA have agreed to CODEX compliance. That has been 100% verified. Directly from the FDA website.

3. I.G. Farben: I.G. Farben was the name of the company that was
responsible for many of the things that the holocaust has become
known for. Without the active partnership with I.G. Farben,
Hitler would never have risen to power and prominence in the
Chancellery of Germany.
In 1932 I.G. gave Adolf Hitler its full
support during the election which resulted in Hitler being
presented with the Chancellorship of Germany. Without the support
of I.G. Farben, and the rest of the German monopolies and
cartels, Hitler could not have won his political fight.
German industrialists could see that without Hitler their empires
would crumble.

RU486 and the Nazi connection [Free Republic] = I.G. Farben Background


codex nazi - Google Search - Search for "codex nazi" returns 572,000 results


From 1957 to 1967 the young Helmut Kohl was a paid lobbyist of the "Verband Chemischer Industrie," the central lobby organization of the German pharmaceutical and chemical cartel. Thus, the German chemical and pharmaceutical industry advanced one of its own as a political representative, leaving the German people with only the choice of final approval.

The result is well known: Helmut Kohl was chancellor of Germany for 16 years and the German pharmaceutical and chemical industry became the world’s leading exporter of chemical products, with subsidiaries in over 150 countries, more than IG Farben ever had. Several billion people will now die prematurely, if the pharmaceutical industry gets its way. Germany is the only country in the entire world in which a former paid lobbyist for the chemical and pharmaceutical cartel was head of the government. To sum up, the support of German politics for the global expansion plans of the German pharmaceutical and chemical companies has a 100-year-old tradition.

From knowing this, we understand the support from Bonn for the unethical plans of the Codex Commission. (Remark made by the Dr. Rath Health Foundation)

The Dr. Rath Health Foundation | Responsibility for a healthy world = CODEX history


In October, 1996, Codex met in Bonn, Germany to make radical changes in the rules governing dietary supplements for member nations. The proposals of greatest concern were those made by the German delegation (see the proposed Draft Guidelines for Dietary Supplements) and is being sponsored by Hoechst, Bayer [company ter Meer joined after the war trials] and BASF. These are the three drug companies formed when the Nuremberg War Trials disbanded I.G. Farben, manufacturer of the poison gas used in Nazi concentration camps. This is not the first time that the UN has been linked closely with Nazi war criminals. Ostensibly, their purpose is ". . . to create a set of international standards to guide the world's growing food industry and to protect the health of consumers."

American Holistic Health Association (AHHA) - Codex Buchanan Article


Today, these IG Farben successors are the largest exporters of pharmaceutical products in the world, maintaining an industrial network over 120 countries of the world.[...]

More than 95% of the pharmaceutical drugs currently sold are without proven efficacy while the severe side-effects of these drugs have become the fourth leading cause of death in the industrialized world.

a crime against humanity: The Berlin Tribunal and CODEX


In some countries, the War on Health has already begun. In Norway, Germany, and Australia, Vitamin C and other health supplements are already illegal in moderate doses, and weak tablets can only be bought over the counter for, on average, 18 times the price we presently pay here in Canada. Norwegian vitamin distributor John Hansen reported being chased by undercover agents for his part in selling Vitamin C above the 200mg limit.1
In South Africa, vitamin distributor Clive Buirski recently had his shipment of vitamins seized by customs authorities intent on preventing them from passing into the hands of alternative health practitioners.
In Canada too, the process is well underway. In the past decade, the Health Protection Branch (HPB) has made over 100 health food supplements illegal, 23 of which are still available in US stores. One of these "dangerous" herbal remedies still available in the United States is DHEA, a derivative of wild yam extract which has been shown to promote longevity and strengthen immune functioning. With less side-effects than a cup of coffee, DHEA has been a controlled substance since December 19, 1996, under changes to legislation suggested by the HPB.2

Herbal Holocaust = Detailed description of what's going on in other countries currently


In Norway and Germany, just a couple of examples, Zinc tablets cost $4 per bottle before Codex. Zinc of course is supremely important in the diet for too many reasons to list. The same bottle in those countries now costs $52.

Echinacea, which recharges the immune system and is therefore very useful against colds, used to be $14 before Codex. Now – the envelope please – the same bottle costs an unbelievable $153. Why so expensive? Both those supplements are legally available in those countries only by prescription. Because they work, they have now become "drugs."

Federal Observer Articles - Federal Observer


It is beyond doubt FDA is trying to pave the way for CODEX to take place. FDA declared this:

FDA has been a strong supporter of, and participant in, the Codex Alimentarius Commission (Codex). Codex is an international standards-setting organization for food safety composed of national governments from more than 150 countries. The work of Codex is increasingly important with the recognition of Codex as the relevant international standards-setting body for food safety in the Agreement on the Application of Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures (SPS) resulting from the Uruguay Round of multilateral trade negotiations.


The dots (historical facts) have been connected, they are in place. Look at history, how CODEX was formed, understand that the host country for Codex Alimentarius is Germany, and watch Germany's recent activities in the pharmeutical industry. Germany still has a lot of power in the pharmeutical industry, and Germany's pharmeutical domination can be traced back to ter Meer and IG Farben.

CODEX is based on Nazi ideology. The FDA is under Codex Alimentarius's control, 100% verified.
PLEASE sign those two petitions:

Democracy in Action - Override the FDA, very important, only until April 30th to sign this

Sign Citizen's Petition - Citizen's Petition to keep America CODEX-free, equally important

If they are not signed, that would be no different than welcoming genocide in the form of a nutritionally deficient society. Codex is the single most virulent assault on human freedoms in recent times. The desire to control of vitamins, minerals, herbs and other nutritional factors has ironically come about as a result of the inability of orthodox medicine to destroy the practice of the public practicing health without drugs. Now government and the chemical industry will seek to control and profit from that which was available directly to the public in times gone by.

We need vitamins and minerals to stay alive. PLEASE sign.
The FDA building near our office resembles a fortress with robot sentry, cameras, security guards, bomb detectors, and x-ray machines like you see in the airports.

I was there 2 weeks ago to pick up a grant from them.

Here's something to help to tone things down a little bit. This doesn't mean that Codex isn't a bad thing, it really is. But look at:

Fact & Fiction on the WTO's Codex Alimentarius #1 - Most comprehensive link disputing false claims about Codex

Fact & Fiction on the WTO's Codex Alimentarius #2 - Less information than above link, also excluding citations

Link from one of the citations in #1 above on what the different Codex committees want to do - From this site, you get the following:

"Finally, and perhaps most worrying of all, the Committee agreed to seek the approval of the Codex Alimentarius Commission to undertake new work on the inclusion of ethylene in the Guidelines for the Production, Processing, Labelling and Marketing of Organically Produced Foods. Ethylene is used to artificially induce fruits and vegetables to ripen whilst they are in transit, and as such its approval for use on organic foods would represent a disturbing step towards WTO-enforced acceptance of the same dubious and unnatural agricultural practices that their non-organic cousins are already subject to.

Why does Codex want to water down organic standards in this way? Simple. Organic foods promote better health than non-organic foods by virtue of their containing higher levels of micronutrients. In addition, of course, organic foods don't contain pesticides, residues of veterinary drugs or genetically-modified organisms. Good health is inimical to the "business with disease", and this ultimately makes organic foods a threat to the pharmaceutical and chemical cartel; not only because they promote better health, but also because they result in lower sales of pesticides and veterinary drugs – and thus in lower profits.

Moreover, and unlike genetically-modified seeds, organic seeds cannot be patented. As such, given that some of the major players in the pharmaceutical and chemical industry, such as Bayer and BASF, are also major players in the biotech industry, it can easily be seen that the rising popularity of non-patentable organic foods is in fact a serious and growing threat to the profits of the "business with disease"."


Evidently, there really is nothing good about Codex, so be sure to cast your petition against Codex being implemented in the U.S. The FDA intends to comply.

What I believe is important is that the public is aware of this ongoing matter and we are able to protect our civilian rights. It's sometimes difficult to understand what's going on at the international level, since it doesn't get the media's attention right away. We live in a democratic society and it should be government by the people, not people by the government.
There is an organization dedicated to consumer rights called the National Health Federation (NHF) that is about as non-inflammatory as it gets.


Established in 1955, the National Health Federation is an international consumer education, health-freedom organization working to protect individuals' rights to choose to consume healthy food, take supplements, and use alternative therapies without government restrictions. With consumer members all over the world, and a Board of Governors and Advisory Board containing representatives from 6 different countries, the Federation is unique as being the only consumer health-freedom organization in the world to enjoy official observer status (able to speak out for health freedom) at meetings of the Codex Alimentarius Commission, the highest international body on food standards.

National Health Federation - a not-for-profit consumer-education, health-freedom organization


Here is what NHF has to say about Codex:

Codex Overview
The FDA might try to get Codex enforced in the U.S. through the FDA's Trilateral Cooperative Charter, which could cause its regulations to bypass Congress if all three countries were put together.

...the FDA's Trilateral Cooperative Charter with Canada and Mexico via which FDA is trying to bring in Codex by first harmonizing our food based dietary supplement regs with Canada's and Mexico's far harsher regulatory regimes.

From April 23-25, 2006, some organizations are going to try and stage a national protest at all 50 capitals against the FDA's Trilateral Cooperative Charter. The purpose is to make the public aware of the Trilateral Cooperative Charter the FDA is trying to get passed. Watch the news from April 23-25 and see if it happens or not.

It looks as if the FDA is never up to any good. It's in the primary interest of industry, not the people.

This is a petition against the FDA's Trilateral Cooperative Charter: http://www.thepetitionsite.com/takeaction/373269232?ltl=1177227385
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is this a hoax?

Hell no, it's real news.

I got information from manager that work with pharmacist and it's real one.

If you think so then you will be sorry after all shelves are empty and too hard for FDA to override it.
DEAFSCUBA98, it's not a hoax. Even if it were, the petition itself against the Trilateral Cooperative Charter is directed against the FDA. Anything against the FDA having extended control is probably a good thing.

The FDA supports Codex, as you will see directly from their website: TESTIMONY MICHAEL A. FRIEDMAN, M.D. (MARCH 19, 1997) -
"FDA has been a strong supporter of, and participant in, the Codex Alimentarius Commission (Codex)." AND
"FDA plans to amend its regulations and procedures for consideration of standards adopted by Codex. This action is being taken to provide for the systematic review of the Codex Standards in order to enhance consumer protection, promote international harmonization and fulfill obligations of the United States under international agreements." (the part about enhancing consumer protection is a lie)

This is the charter itself, which we want to stop from taking effect in order to preserve our freedom to choose what we eat and drink: Trilateral Cooperation Charter -- This is directly from the FDA website which shows there is a real charter they designed to put together regulations of Canada, US, and Mexico. The FDA will try to find ways to impose Canada and Mexico's regulations on us. It goes like Murphy's Law when an organization like FDA has this sort of power.

Look at National Health Federation (NHF) - About Us. NHF is a very important organization that's been around 1955 protecting our consumer rights, and you will see what NHF's mission for the 2000s is. This is for real and Codex is a global threat.

This is what NHF says about Codex: Codex Overview

However, the real threat to us comes from the Trilaterial Cooperative Charter, and this petition needs to be signed - at least it is something - better than nothing: http://www.thepetitionsite.com/takeaction/373269232?ltl=1177227385. Even so, a better step might be to call or write a personal letter with your signature to your Congress representatives in the House and Senate here.

It seems as if the FDA is trying to pass this charter which could cause its regulations to bypass Congress if the USA, Canada, and Mexico were put together under its regulations. This could also force us into a North American Union.

That would allow Codex regulations to also bypass Congress - a real disaster for our freedom to choose our food, drinks, and supplements from the stores. Codex's philosophy is not a good one. It does not protect consumer's rights. That's the problem with FDA trying to regulate consumer's rights to food, drinks, vitamins and minerals through Codex so FDA can profit from it.

And in any event, why let the FDA take charge instead of Congress? It's against the law for FDA to do this, as it clearly violates the Administrative Procedures Act, the Federal Advisory Committee Act, as well as other laws. They're breaking rules here. Read this to learn about what goes on inside FDA if you don't believe they're bad: The FDA Exposed: An Interview With Dr. David Graham, the Vioxx Whistleblower

And please sign the petition. Thanks.
Hell no, it's real news.

I got information from manager that work with pharmacist and it's real one.

If you think so then you will be sorry after all shelves are empty and too hard for FDA to override it.

It seems to me that even though FDA is bound by agreement to comply with Codex, this is what FDA wants. Why is FDA so supportive of Codex, as they say at their website? Codex guidelines will allow FDA to decide to a much greater extent what products we can have on the store shelves and the FDA can also greatly raise prices for even minimal amounts of any vitamins/minerals chosen to be available to the public. Control of food/drinks and making us take only prescription drugs = big profits.

FDA should not be allowed to select our food/drinks, or call any of these products a drug (including water as it already is under certain circumstances in Canada) and take them away from us. This is what they call enhancing consumer protection, and this is in accordance with Codex guidelines.
The last thing I want is to come across as hysterical which I have already done and get people all worried, but I want the public to be aware.

The FDA website shows evidence of intent to comply with Codex. The Codex committee favors a non-free-market approach. FDA is also anti-American in many of its own actions.

Free Market News Network

Reminder: The real threat to us currently is the FDA's Trilaterial Cooperative Charter. It would allow FDA to bypass Congress and the US people in imposing its regulations, including the draconian Codex measures.
There are two ways the draconian Codex measures can be brought into the US:

#1) The Trilateral Cooperative Charter with Canada, the US, and Mexico that FDA is trying to get enforced which will let them bypass Congress and bring in the worst of Codex regulations, and

#2) Bush's trilateral efforts (without consent from Congress) to form a North American Union.

We can lose the free market economy both ways, and the FDA has deliberately been trying to ban the healthiest of food/nutrients from the public market.

Both #1 and #2 need to be oppressed whenever possible. Otherwise, Congress will no longer be able to protect us.

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