FCC new rates!!!

I don't think that FCC has lowered the rate enough.

We don't need more than 28 companies across the nation. Get rid some of them already.
I don't think that FCC has lowered the rate enough.

We don't need more than 28 companies across the nation. Get rid some of them already.

I agreed! I keeping on wonder why are they keeping open new VRS? I think it is so crazy!
Where do you get information that we got more than 28 VRS companies?

As far as I know, I could be wrong but there are 7 certified VRS providers at this time. Many of VRS companies that started were having contract with one of these 7 VRS providers. so far I have not heard any VRS companies become certified for pretty long time. The last time were before Viable got their pants down with FBI.

I don't think that FCC has lowered the rate enough.

We don't need more than 28 companies across the nation. Get rid some of them already.
yeah, BUT...

Not exactly. There are separate rates for IPRelay. The rates we are talking about are for VRS ONLY.

I think the big reason for this is due to Sorenson getting about 85% of the minutes. I mean, think about it. Suppose you want to purchase 100 widgets from a company. The company offers a bulk discount of about 10 cents per widget. If later, you want 1,000 widgets, the company lowers it down to maybe 8 cents. Later on, when you're rich, you might want 100,000 widgets. The company may offer 5 cents.

The point here is that the cost per unit is inversely proportional to the amount of units. Sorenson is getting a metric buttload of minutes, so I think it is fair to get less per minute than if you don't have so many minutes to reimburse.

You are right to some extent, but not completely. A minute of interpretation requires a minute of one interpreter. But one interpreter can only interpret one call at a time. There is no fixed time for a call. If a call continues for more than 45 to 50 min, it will require a 2nd interpreter, but still only pay for interpreted minutes. FCC and consumers have goal of having to wait for interpreter no more than 10 seconds, but there is no payment for interpreters waiting for a call, even though they are getting paid. And having interpreters waiting for calls is the only way to achieve that goal. Widget production can be automated to a great extent requiring very little human interaction (labor). This is where the comparison breaks down.
FCC still ignore us because FCC has learned the lesson about example of Viable doing the fraudulent activities. FCC does not want to continue and let another VRS company imitate Viable way in fraudulent activities in future.

I think that FCC decided the new rate to help stopping the fraudulent activities