Favorite Quotes

dum spiro spero - "through hope, i breathe"
spero ut fidelis- "hope through faith"

whatever doesn't destroy me just makes me stronger
an eye for an eye only makes the whole world blind. - Gandhi
to sleep perchance to dream perchance to mess with reality
i fear explainations explainatory of things explained- Abraham Lincoln
you know that place between sleep and awake, where you're still dreaming? that's where i always will think of you. - Tinkerbell
my mind is my own church
mine is -

Two families, noble and rich
Lived in beautiful Verona.
The House of Capulet and the House of Montague!
One night, long ago
A word causes anger and anger causes theft
Black moods grew
With the light of the sun
And the theft causes a murder the next day.
Montague blamed Capulet
And Capulet blamed Montague
In a never-ending circle of hate.
For so many years ...
For so long a time
Revenge followed revenge.

"Rule number one of world domination: Do not invade Russia during the winter." -Beth Calvert (the Goddess of History)