favorite magazine ?

gamepro, electricontic gaming montly, and playboy
A voracious reader here, especially when I am commuting!

NY Times, Washington Post, City Paper, Washington Blade, Village Voice, New York (not New Yorker), Cook's Illustrated, Taunton's Fine Cooking, MacWorld...
I used to dislike reading magazines. I very much prefer books over magazines. Every time my classmates and I went to the library, all of my classmates always headed for the magazine section. Except me. I headed straight to the bookshelves to search for a hefty book to read. I've always thought magazines were boring because I got the impression that they were just pictures and no text.

As I got older, I realized I assumed what magazines really are and pouted that I missed out a lot on excellent magazines.

The magazines I enjoy reading are:

Sports Illustration
National Geography
Customer Reports
Deaf Life
True Story
Current Science

I strongly recommend you, ADers, to read True Story. It's a magazine that collects true stories from its subscribers. It could be anything like family problems, sex, romance, health issues, crisises in life, triumph over tragedy, and many others. Yes, this magazine can be read by men because some men contributed and submitted their true stories to this magazine.

Check it out!


It's my all-time favorite magazine. I have been a True Story subscriber for 6 years right now.

By the way, I used to read Playgirl from time to time as a teenager, but discontinued reading them because of uh...my "routine". Therefore, I stopped reading them.
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I read my freaking favorite TANSWORLD SKATEBAORDING MAG, AND BIG BROTHER SKATEBOARD MAG TOO. sometime read general as Newweek, Time, national GEOGRAPHIC, and other magzines..
not New Yorker
I think New Yorker is a little too pretensious (sp?) There's occasionally good reads in there but it tries too hard to be sophisicated..my sister loves it thou!
I like reading the New York Times Sunday magazine...I LOVE William Safire and there are really well written articles in there a lot of times!
I don't read the New York Times on a daily basis except when I am in NY. I read the Boston Globe every day...I am the biggest Globe junkie in the world! I am such a Globe whore that I even have favorite colummniests...my favorite is Ellen Goodman. I would like to meet her someday!
i read people, target(they have the best advice for kids), anything related to raising children.
OooPs! Plus i like to read xbox magz.. i am recently freaking fan of XBOX games..
i used to have a subscription to Teen People but that was when I was in HS. Now I have none (too poor) but on occasion I buy cosmo, but overall i have given up magazine reading.. books are my passion :)
Originally posted by Coralicious
Teen People
USA Weekly
In Touch

Cosmogirl? Teen People?

Are you still teenage? :shock:

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