Ms, the Advocate (would read it even if I wasn't gay as I think it's superbly well written and has AWESOME political coverage!) Reader's Digest (I remmy when I had surgery on my leg back in '89 and I was whining and bored b/c I was stuck in a wheelchair and couldn't really do anything and my daddy showed me the jokes in RD...been hooked ever since!) Jane (yes, am a Sassy grrrl from way big sis subcribed) Also....don't laugh but I still LOVE reading MAD magazine! ( What can I say? I'm a ten year old boy trapped in the body of a 23 year old woman!)
Surprised I haven't seen mention of World Around You ( published by Gally for Deaf and Hoh teens)VERY good magazine! I'll put in a direct link later!
I used to read Teen People but it's gotten too teenybopperery and commercialized for me! It did have some really good and well-written articles back in the day and they even had a blurb on my beloved Indigo Girls a few times!