Fave ICE Cream~~

my fave netrual ( sp) you know three half of chocolate, vanilla and strawberry ice cream on angel food cake sandwich ohh YUMMMMY !!!!!
I love is....

Blizzard OREO or Reese cup from Dairy Queen


Regular Oreo and Reese Cup ice cream =x
For myself, I love to eat Cookie Dough Icecream and Reese cup Blizzard from Dairy Queen
Hmmm sounds really good! I think I want cheese macaroni ice cream! :twisted:
Originally posted by Coralicious
it must be strawberry!! nothing else.
:werd: I like strawberry ice cream. However, I also like vanilla and vanilla with chocolate/caramel swirl inside. Yummy!
Any one of you make homemade ice creams?

I made several for Irish pubs and some other places... Now I'm tempted to make some killer homemade ice creams!

I made manadarin (sp?) orange, Orange rinds, Black cherries, mint (no chocolate chips), Oh god, I didn't realize that I made so many!... A soothing, and relaxing flavor Lavender. It's not that bad!
Originally posted by DirtyOldMan
Any one of you make homemade ice creams?

I made several for Irish pubs and some other places... Now I'm tempted to make some killer homemade ice creams!

I made manadarin (sp?) orange, Orange rinds, Black cherries, mint (no chocolate chips), Oh god, I didn't realize that I made so many!... A soothing, and relaxing flavor Lavender. It's not that bad!

I do. I got several ice cream buckets. Only one of them is electric.

I've made one from snow once. It was delicious. No, I did check to make sure the snow wasn't yellow so don't get that in your mind.

My favorites are Strawberries and Mint Chocolate Chips! Yummy *smacking my lips*
Royal Moooooooose Chocolate Tasty so rich..

I wish Linditt Chocolate ice cream.. would be awesome tasty more richy!
I posted that I like Rita's Ice. Well, too bad for me, none here in Utah.

I like Coldstone's ice cream... especially amaretto ice cream with cherries, chocolate chips and crunchy chips. Yummmm!

I also love Ben and Jerry's Coffee Heath Toffee Crunch. I like coffee ice cream too.
I love Vanilla yogurt with butter pecans mix from Braum's!! Thats the only kind i love! nothing else! but if i have to, like they are out of my fav, then I will have Chocolate yogurt with almonds!...*droolin at 9 am!* :mrgreen:

well I like chocolate,Vanilla,Reese Peanut butter , Strawberry, cookie n cream with dough, of course I do like sundae... with chocolate syrup or strawberry syrup and prelcine(sp) ... i think that is it. i like lot flavors. ha :)

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