Defree hun,
The reason I focus only on pitbulls because there are 280 cases of pitbull attacks more than other breeds, While you are correct about all dogs had done their share of deeds on attacks but not as much as pitbulls, Do you understand where I'm going on this? I apology if I'm hurting responsible pitbulls owners like you that we might have gave pitbull a bad name, the way it may sounds like it to you, but you have to understand our feelings too, while I do understand yours.
Yes I do understand your point of the whole thing but you do seem to point only at PITBULLS but you dont seem to understand what im trying to say that
KINDS of dogs do bite. My sister in law had a normally good natured, again im emphazied.. GOOD NATURED DOG that is supposed to be good with kids and all
just recently bit a woman who is a good friend of hers, real bad in the leg for no good reason! She had to put that dog to SLEEP, MEANING DEATH. That dog was a real big dog, much bigger than a pitbull!! That lady had a bad bite and she had to have stitches put in her leg.
So the point is, that all dogs, no matter what breed, mixed breed or whatever can be dangerous, period!! Dont point at pitbulls.
We have a pitbull dog and he is a very nice dog, he is a very friendly dog but of course, he is very protective of us..whenever we have company, we put him in the cage and then we introduce him to people we have in the house so he will know that they are friends of ours then he will be friendly with them.
BUT if he ever bite anybody, he will be put to sleep, period, doesnt matter if he is a pitbull or not!
It takes a responsbile owners to train all kinds of dogs to be good dogs and also be bad dogs if people wants them to be bad dogs depends how they are raised, period.
I understand that you are deathly afraid of pitbulls, Cheri and Angel but if you
have dogs, then you better watch out of them too cuz they might bite too, ever thought about that???
My sister in law chose to get rid of her dog cuz she has two children cuz her dog bit that lady and she is NOT going to take any CHANCES of her dog biting her kids! The vet said the dog will probably bite again since he did bite that lady! So she had to put that dog to death! it was really sad situation.
Have a blessed day!