Fast Food Resturant Drive-Thru

~Heather~ said:
Really, I don't give a flying fuck if there's several cars behind me and if I want to use drive-thru then I will use it. I ain't walking in if I don't feel like it. So I can use drive-thru as I like whether I'm deaf or not. :fu:

:rofl: :laugh2: :lol: ...*Pat on your back*...What a Brave Gal!
Yeah Here is two funny and embarrassing stories. It was late night at Wendy and dining-in was closed. Only drive thru was open. I had no choice. I go ahead with the drive thru. People usually dont understand my voice. One time I tried to say something. The worker didnt understand and thought the speaker was broken. It came to me to my car to take the order but once it found out I am deaf. The person said, "OOOOH I GOT IT!!!" I was embarrassing but having fun at same time. :D

Another story. That time I said nothing. I just sit by the speaker because all car was full in line. They tried and tried to call me. They didn't know what was going on. So they just ingored it for short time. When I arrived to the window. They figured it out that was ME!!! They found out I am deaf. They told me that they were going little crazy wondering what is going on! So I gave order through write note. They smiled widely and gave me the order. It took a little longer but I DONT CARE about what other people in line think.

I had lot of fun everytime I go thru the drive thru! :rofl: :laugh2: :lol:

I still love being deaf and I am very blessing to be DEAF!!! :deaf:
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Few years ago a Costa Mesa Mc Donalds experimented with a pushbutton menu system for the drive-thru that you push a button for the menu item and enter how many of it. It was a very short lived experiment like 2-3 months. It was a good step in the right direction but the menu offerings were limited to combos and a few other items.

I was probably the only one that used the system while it was there.

I barked abt the system through my media outlets and the so-called 'GLAD fog' was still thick and around did very well to prevent my announcement from reaching out to many deafs in the area about the system.

LOL some funny stories you got there people.

As for me, yeah I write everything down in advance and then pull up to the window and show them the paper, after I told them that I'm deaf. They would adjust to me being deaf by taking the order on paper and punch it in the computer. I would be told to pull into the parking lot as they will cook my food then bring it out to me when its ready. So far no problems except for one story below and the occassional order screw ups.

My roommate and I were in Rochester, NY and it was after dark. All of the restaurants has closed their dining areas and the drive thru is the only thing that's open for another hour so we decided to go to Burger King to get some food. We don't want to mix up our money because we were tight at that time so we wanted to give the teller separate orders. It was like 15 mins till closing or so and the teller took one of our orders, punched it in and told me the amount. I handed her the money and she gave me my change back and proceeds to walk away. I honked the horn and she came back. I tried to tell her, "We are not done" and gave her my roommate's order. She got furious and wrote on paper, "The next time you come here, PLEASE give your orders all together on ONE paper!" and closed the window, punched the order, took his money and gave change back and walked away in a frustrated state. We looked at each other and laughed because that woman need to understand patience and sorry if we had to do this method, it's how we want it and the teller has to know this; the customer is always right. NEVER fight back or do things hastily, just do everything with patience.

A little off the point here, but does your order ever get screwed up? My fiancee and I would get our orders screwed up, i.e., we don't want ketchup and tomatoes on our hamburgers and when we get them, we would find either tomatoes, ketchup or both on our hamburgers and we would go back to the drive-thru or walk into the dining room and object about our food. It's so frustrating because when hired, the fast food restaurant assume you have all of the skills they want, including READING... Like reading the order on the small computer up above... If they took our order and screw it up, then why the fck are they working at McDonalds for? Go back to school and take some reading classes and when you have passed it with high marks, come back and work for McDonalds...

I have tried to develop a certain format that's easy for the cashier to understand. It would be something like this:

2 Dbl (Double) Cheeseburgers
- (minus sign) No ketchup
- No Tomatoes
+ (add sign) Add Mayo
+ Add Bacon

2 Diet Cokes
2 Lg Fries

Something like that and it would work most of the time. What fails me to understand them is how hard is it to read something like that? They've managed to screw it up somehow and it would sometimes be the cashier's fault or the line cook's, who's preparing our food, fault.
When I go that, I sometime will sign to people, sometime will write the paper.. Thats very easy for me *shrug*
No problem Drive thru at McDonalds... They did tries answer but seems think Deaf customer is coming... The lady spotted me.. HELLLLLOOOOOOOOOO, how are you ? I nodded yeah fine thanks.. then ready for order promptly... Seems quite fine.. I love living in ST Thomas, People are so such friendly than London,Ontario.

Never forget that... We went over to London and to have shopping.. and felt hungry for order food... Order by McDonald... My hubby *sign lang* front of Monitor voice.. I *slapped him* Very funny!, He asked me, Can you read lip the monitor voice?? There's no such thing lip movement.. Sorry then I don't understand.. (rolled my eyes up) and thru and promptly order the foods... Unbelivable the lady(bitchy) being rude to me said" You're not suppoed be here on drive thru". Ah.. how's so nice of that person.. I told my hubby go pull over and park it.. I dare and barging into the McDonald and demand speak Manager... Manger nicely and friendly talk w/me.. I explained what happend... Manger's face turned into the RED.. and angrily hollering the lady(bitch) who work for driving thru.... then the lady turned into RED too, and speakly promptly Apoglized.. Manager gave me gift cerfication and free DINNER of 5.. No pay NOTHING!
*woOoOoOoOoo* We got those first time ever!!! I told my hubby, Why not do it again another location.. He said.. Oh aww come on.. silly! I laughed so hard.. My kids said.. OH MY GOD, MOM HAVE GOOD GUTS to speak it out.. *chuckles*
That was from last year
Bullym0m said:
No problem Drive thru at McDonalds... They did tries answer but seems think Deaf customer is coming... The lady spotted me.. HELLLLLOOOOOOOOOO, how are you ? I nodded yeah fine thanks.. then ready for order promptly... Seems quite fine.. I love living in ST Thomas, People are so such friendly than London,Ontario.

Never forget that... We went over to London and to have shopping.. and felt hungry for order food... Order by McDonald... My hubby *sign lang* front of Monitor voice.. I *slapped him* Very funny!, He asked me, Can you read lip the monitor voice?? There's no such thing lip movement.. Sorry then I don't understand.. (rolled my eyes up) and thru and promptly order the foods... Unbelivable the lady(bitchy) being rude to me said" You're not suppoed be here on drive thru". Ah.. how's so nice of that person.. I told my hubby go pull over and park it.. I dare and barging into the McDonald and demand speak Manager... Manger nicely and friendly talk w/me.. I explained what happend... Manger's face turned into the RED.. and angrily hollering the lady(bitch) who work for driving thru.... then the lady turned into RED too, and speakly promptly Apoglized.. Manager gave me gift cerfication and free DINNER of 5.. No pay NOTHING!
*woOoOoOoOoo* We got those first time ever!!! I told my hubby, Why not do it again another location.. He said.. Oh aww come on.. silly! I laughed so hard.. My kids said.. OH MY GOD, MOM HAVE GOOD GUTS to speak it out.. *chuckles*
That was from last year

whoa lol! I would've done the same thing you did if that lady told me that I'm not allowed to use the drive thru. It's like telling the black people that they are not allowed to sit in the front of the bus or drink the same water fountain the white people use. Kudos to you, Bullym0m!
wow, really funny thread I ever read here. It cheer me on my good day! :angel:

Honestly, I really doesnt pay the attention when I saw Drive-Thru at Mac Donald or King Burger which they built Drive-Thru few years ago. until one day we tried out of curiously which it's our first time. :lol: We went there rarely.

I received coupon with Special offer. It got my sons idea suddenly about Drive-Thru. My sons want to see what Drive-Thru alike when we collect our orders. "Why cant we try out of curiously", I thought to myself. We went there last summer for a first time. "shit" I said to myself when I saw speaker box. My hubby let speaker box know that we are deaf then drive to the window and show them some of coupon what we wish. It's easy to show them the coupon. I can image it would be complication when we dont have coupon to show them. My sons like it very much and said that it's quick than waiting quere when we eat in King Burger. (It's only few minutes drive from my house). Honsetly, it's my FIRST TIME last summer :lol:
I think we had a thread similar to this but since no one said :repost: anyway..

I do like drive thru myself or ordering for more people and it's interesting to see how employees react to deaf people handing out the paper what we ordered for...

One time I recall during the last days of my senior year, I went to Burger King drive thru, that night rush hour was probably the worst experience a new girl employee was probably hired to do the moola and ordering... It wasnt long line when I got there but as soon I got in the line, the line became long. I practically drove up to the speaker to write down the order just for myself, I could hear the speaker talking, I shouted "hold on" then drive around to the window to hand out my order, I got the most rude comments I ever had, the girl told me to park my car and come in to take my order. I told her no, I want to order and get my food and drive home, She said please move your car so customers can get their order. I shouted at her that I am a customer then blasted my horn continuous until the manager came to the window. I told the manager that I'm deaf and cant hear the speaker so I gave the girl my paper what i ordered for, pay for it, get my food and drive away but she kept arguing with me. So the manager grab the paper from the girl and took my order then gave me the food and said sorry, dont have to pay for it this time but hopefully you will come back next time, When I drove away and look thru the window and saw the manger lost his head and saw he sent her out the door, so I drove away assuming she got fired... a week later I came back to same Burger King with other friends, but only this time i decided to come in. The manager remember me and said how can I help you guys? I tried to speak but seem not help so wrote the paper and got my order, then I spotted the same girl, but this time she's cooking food...ooh!
Yea, i do drive thur many time with paper and ready-order.
For example: 1 CB, 1 CNugget, 2 Small drinks, 2 FF, and 1 L drink To Go or Stay from McDonald
1 S Blizzard with Snicker, 1 S Sundae Strawberry
They will know what is S, M, L as size.
Yeah!!! Cheri Why dont you get 200 deaf people blocking fast food drive in and demand your rights! and like these pigs bust you and youre get your message across on the 6 oclock news.
After I took ultrasound test last Wednesday early morning (fasting after midnight until my morning appt), I was so hungry so I decided to stop by Burger King drive-thru window and give a note with breakfast order. The lady has no problem with it cuz she started to use ASL talk with me, my mouth :jaw: open. She said that her parents are deaf and her sister is interpreter. Cool!
i normally drive through with a peice of paper and hand them out to the window.

I've heard around that arizona have touch-pad drivethrough.. is that true?
lol you all have funny stories. I have no problem with drive thru because I am hoh. My hubby though, is deaf so he just use his blackberry pager to show them his order (to save paper) when I am not with him. I also like mcdonald has like a small menu near cash register so he can just point to it what he wants. Its funny when he asks for coke cuz my hubby always use sign for cocaine and all the waiters or cashiers knows that means coke LOL.
I never have problems with the drive-thru at the banks cuz I already know what they need. The more you cooperate, the less problems you'll get. The more you wonder what is needed, the more problems you will get. ;)
Heres why god made people deaf for. To create RUDENESS in them like for example when you order a big mac, small fries and they talk to you as you pull away they probley asked you want coke with that? you give em a $5 and they gave you a drink you didnt want. See how importaint you need to hear people?? Being deaf doesnt not equal you to the regalar world. I want scintist to find a solution to deafness instead of AIDS research.!I dont have sex with other men. If you have sex with other men then thats your dam dumbness.Cures of deafness is more importaint than curing fags with aids.Sorry i offened anyone but thats my opinon.
ravensteve1961 said:
Heres why god made people deaf for. To create RUDENESS in them like for example when you order a big mac, small fries and they talk to you as you pull away they probley asked you want coke with that? you give em a $5 and they gave you a drink you didnt want. See how importaint you need to hear people?? Being deaf doesnt not equal you to the regalar world. I want scintist to find a solution to deafness instead of AIDS research.!I dont have sex with other men. If you have sex with other men then thats your dam dumbness.Cures of deafness is more importaint than curing fags with aids.Sorry i offened anyone but thats my opinon.

Oh Jeez!!! NOT AGAIN! Still Complaining about deafness??? Sighs!

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