Fantasy Girlfriend or Boyfriend: Who Would You Pick?

as for me... Hal Sparks :wackit:
For me, that'd be Cary Grant :naughty: . Such a shame he's not alive :tears: .

Oh well, never fear, I've got someone who looks like a mixture of Hugh Grant, Warren Beatty and George Clooney all in one :kiss: . So that is better than none, hehe. ;)
Ohh Now Flly Free and Cooliefroggie CATFIGHT over Angelina Jolie. :roll: Me? Many TV/Movie hotter actors and actresses.... My last seen was Lindsey Lohen --Wow she is HOT... Shhhhh
kuifje75 said:
Jason Cameron from "While You Were Out"
But that's ok, I have my hot babe ;)

There are more guys I'd consider:
Sean Townsend from US gymnastics
Alex Nemov from Russian gymnastics
the host Penn on the new TV show, called "Designer's Finals"
can't remmy more, will keep you posted... :shushhhh!:
DoVip, her last name's actually spelled Jolie. Does that help?
Tousi said:
DoVip, her last name's actually spelled Jolie. Does that help?

Ohh, its Angelina Jolie. Yeah, I know who her. :boink:
I would go for Ben Affleck, Nick Carter, and Elvis Presley (he's not alive today :( ) Oh yeah and James Marsten (an actor for X-Men).
Odd as this sounds, I only like the characters from the movies and games, but not the actors themselves.....

so I would pick Legolas from lord of the rings, both Lestant and that moody vampire hero, along with the Vampire leader named Antinto (all three from interview with a vampire), the Goblin King from Labyrtih (he got quite the package down there... ehehe)...

and for Video game characters, I would pick Clavis, Lumaliale, and Julious from Angelique.... and Brad from SSX tricky. he got quite a body on him, and he's just so cute too.. I often pick him just to see him wiggle his cute ass when he snowboards...

and I do have some bisexual tendences, and I've found many women to be attractive...

I would have to say Madonna from when she was younger, Janet Jackson, that woman who played Sarah in the movie Labyrith, Sailor Venus and Jupiter (yeah I know they're just animated characters, but still...), Hyatt from Excel Saga... she's just adorable, even with all that bleeding she does.
Well, since we are dreaming..........Jennifer Anniston
David Gallagher from 7th Heaven

Paul Walker from Fast and Furious

mmm... those two dudes are so yummy!!
YES....Angelina Jolie is DAMN hot. Also Amy Ray (Indigo Girls) she is damn powerful and hawt....she looks kinda like Melissa Ethridge!.
For guys I would totally pick Elijah Wood....he was SO CUTE in Lord of the Rings.
James Spader
Katzie, I don't really know who he is, since I'm out of it about pop culture, but James Spader actucally lives in my town, and my mom says I've seen him many times. Gerhaldo (as in Riveria) also lives in my town too!
Yeah Elijah Woods is hot, but too young for me...
Another guy I'd deffo consider would be Hugh Jackman :drool: