Fair Access for the deaf (FAD) New York


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Jul 20, 2005
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Interpreters at the NY State Fair

This is the 18th year that Fair Access for the Deaf (FAD) will be at the New York State Fair in Syracuse. FAD brings sign language interpreters from all over New York State. Everyday there will up to 30 events interpreted, including:

shows with tigers, eagles, falcons and hawks, police dogs, lumberjacks, cooking recipes, police weapons, rappelling and scuba diving. Children’s events are magic, puppets and live stage shows. The free evening concerts at Chevrolet Court are interpreted with reserved seating.

The Fair opens on Thursday, Aug. 25 and runs through Labor Day, Sept. 5. Detailed schedules of interpreted events are available during the Fair at the Guest Relations Booth near the Main Gate. Locations with interpreters have a sign with the FAD logo. Times for interpreted shows are posted there. You will see interpreters wearing their bright blue shirts with the FAD logo on the back.

Again this year, interpreters on call are available every day for free. Go to the Guest Relations Booth across from the Main Gate to get a schedule of interpreted events. Information on that sheet will explain the easy way to get an interpreter to join you.

Questions? Call Jim and Cathy Skvorak 315-474-6711 v/tty/fax or email: fadjim@twcny.rr.com

Visit www.fadinterpreting.com for more information. A complete schedule of interpreted events is posted on the website.

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