facts about Bush

eternity said:
You need to get a pie in your MOUF. He is your president so DEAL with him.
mouf?! where and how the hell did you come up with that word? :confused:

either way, who gives a fuck about what I say? if you love your president so much, why don't you have an affair with him like Clinton did!?
Steel said:
...if you love your president so much, why don't you have an affair with him like Clinton did!?
Clinton had an affair with President Bush? :jaw: Shocking!
eternity said:
He is your president so DEAL with him.

I didn't vote for him and I don't consider him "my president" President Bush is nothing but a two face who sends mixed signals out about the war in the Middle East, About 9/11 (claims that he was going to stop terrorist, and get justice done for Sept. 11th.) Heck he is only down there to progress peace and democracy in the Middle East, hum change his story? And President Bush is forgetting that he is representatives million of Americans in United States, but he put his religion involves as making choices for American people, as he is forgetting that American people are have different briefs in religions.