Facebook issues

The number of comments or likes does not define your social status. I've seen more popular people get fewer likes and comments than those that are not popular. It varies on who's getting the likes/comments and who's giving the likes/comments.

There are some people who revolve their WHOLE life around Facebook. Those are the kind of people who wake up in the morning, take a crap/shower, drive to work, work, lunch break, work, drive home, watch television, eat dinner, go to bed... all while being on Facebook on their computers or smartphones. I see a lot of these when they update their statuses at least 10 times a day. :roll:

*groans* I hate mornings!
Don't you hate it when people cut you off while driving?
Whew! I was almost late for work!
Eww! This sandwich tastes like it expired! Time to lay off the mayo!
I can't wait until I get off work!
Argh! I hate people who drive while on their phones!
Yum! Nothing beats Papa John's pizza!!!
Aww... my kitty is purring on my leg while I'm watching CSI!
*yawns* Boy, what a day I had!
Man, it's midnight and I can't sleep!

Yes, these are the kind of status updates I've seen from various people on my friends list. Am I going to call them losers? No. They just chose to revolve a high percentage of their daily lives around Facebook.

Some people don't bother talking, they just sit around clicking the LIKE button. Some people don't bother clicking the LIKE button because they have to leave a comment.

Again... just because you don't get a lot of likes or comments doesn't mean you're no good or a loser. Just be positive and think about what's going on out there in the real world.
I have lost interest in Facebook, I have a few reasons why It is not so great for me now.

1. Half of my friends would post bullshit statuses that make it look like they are having a fabulous time while they are not really. ( i really don't understand why they feel the need to do that.)

2. I have a very low tolerance for disrespectful people and People who base their whole life on what other people thinks. so I went through a Rotten apples sorting phase. My friends lists went from 150 to 29. (Sad isn't it) So, those who remained on my list were either Old friends or relatives that is usually too busy with their lives.

3. Finally. THE FARMVILLE GAME REQUESTS...... UGH. To whoever invented Farmville..... >.>

Been there done that. In both real and virtual life, it's never too late to clean out the friendship closet. Friendship is a two-way street and the people who think it is a one-way street need a GPS coupon and directions to the door the with the big sign that says, "acquaintances" on it. In some cases, you don't need to totally write them off, but you have to understand the true relationship.
Hey. I seem sometimes having trouble using Facebook. I am forced to keep it because it stay in contact with my family and distance friends who I met a while ago.
no. why should you feel forced to stay in FB? if you hate FB that much, so quit it. There are other ways to keep in touch.

or why not make FB more suitable for you? example - delete everybody else and keep the only people you need to keep in touch with.

So Facebook, its quite overrated these days.
not really. it's only overrated if you make it that way.

If without it, I would never ever have any interrelationship with a person for short term social plannings like last minute trips, going out for food/shopping and that. Most of the time when I make a status, I usually talk to myself which it pisses me off. I have nearly 400 friends on there and I'm very confident for anyone to like it or even comment it. But most of the time when I make a status I stay lonely. I don't know what I did wrong. I didn't use negative or rude shit on it. Like I talked about my US visa. No one respond to it. So I deleted my statuses like I did before.

Same for photos. I always see other people have so much more likes and comments than I do. This reflects how poor my social life or something like that is because it means people care for that person to like and comment it. I doesn't get that much at all which makes me lonely all the time. Highest likes I ever made is 23. 23 out of 400ish which is incredibly sorry and shocking for me compared other person have 150 likes out of 500 friends! How possible for that person to get this much likes for something much smaller thing happening compared to my stuff.

Getting a US job as my first international experience is so much bigger thing than having a new profile picture of a person who is about to go to the conference. That person get 150 likes and 20 comments out of 500 friends compared to me 23 likes and 19 comments.

So I guess I totally so right about myself. I'm not trying to be negative here, I mean I see as myself as a problem to other people for no reason. People now days easily picky and excuse for other person weakness. So, I can't solve this problem because I can't force people to like my status or photo more than before and or deleting my account because of losing contacts with family and friends.

Okay this is a competition. For the status I just made below:

"Can't wait to do a tree planting day this Sunday! I feel good about looking after our environment!"

Guess how many likes and comments to get possible. If the person get its right. I pay you $5000 and I lose my opportunity to US.
you need to calm down. if I won $5,000.... I'll accept it and donate it to you. :)

Outside life is very similar as well. I still have people talking to me but it not the liking and disliking crap over the social media. It just lack of acceptance for doing something else than uni work together. I mostly see these people at classes and group assignments but never outside of classes like I see other people usually do.

Anyone have this similar issues? Facebook is ruining your life?
well - couple years ago, FB used to "run" my life for a few months. I was addicted to it - reading every single story on my wall, clicking "like" and commenting, playing FB games, etc. I finally got rid of FB addiction and now I don't follow FB much. I simply cannot keep up. I too have over 400 friends and I don't give a cahoot if people didn't comment or click LIKE on my status update or pix.

My suggestion for you - if you are really bothered about FB things, take a vacation from FB for a bit. You can "Deactivate Your Account" and then click "This is temporary. I'll be back" so that your FB account won't be permanently deleted.

I urge you to take this advice.
Been there done that. In both real and virtual life, it's never too late to clean out the friendship closet. Friendship is a two-way street and the people who think it is a one-way street need a GPS coupon and directions to the door the with the big sign that says, "acquaintances" on it. In some cases, you don't need to totally write them off, but you have to understand the true relationship.
I've been there... for Mafia Wars. A few friends recommended the game. So, I signed up. In order to help my game, I allowed a bunch of people to be friends with me. I had at least 1,000 friends that I added for that purpose. After a couple years of playing the game, Zynga decided to make too many big changes that the game because pointless. I gave up over a year ago and haven't played since.

The same goes for Farmville. I played that for a few months just to see what I could do. It got old fast. I don't see why people get so addicted to that kind of game. :roll:
FB isn't a popularity contest Matty. There are some people on my lists that have an insane amount of "friends" but I've never seen anyone getting even close to that many "likes" on ....anything. It doesn't matter how many likes you get from people you don't even really know. 23 likes is actually quite a lot :D and I bet they were all from the people that actually matter.

I'm always amazed at the number of people that don't utilize the tools to customize their fb so it's less annoying. Things like making lists and using the hide features, block apps that drive you nuts. etc etc
Well I don't know how these people get accepted more than I expected? I didn't make my life miserable at all. Lot of people always see me as unhappy kind of person while I am actually happy :S

Now I got five likes so far for that status I told you before. If I am easily being accepted as a person from the general society. It would be easily have about 25 likes so far like other people on my friends list. Also more than 50% of my photos are actually tagged by myself. Pretty sad. Spending on my own too much.

(In the bold) Perhaps, you might would like to try to change your approach? Maybe, show a softer side of you? It wouldn't hurt to try.

I wouldn't fret over what goes on facebook. Yes, it's nice to be acknowledged but don't count too much on it, ya know? :)
(In the bold) Perhaps, you might would like to try to change your approach? Maybe, show a softer side of you? It wouldn't hurt to try.

I wouldn't fret over what goes on facebook. Yes, it's nice to be acknowledged but don't count too much on it, ya know? :)

very true
If you can't get around it. I can't get rid of Facebook because my family and friends would not be happy and can't contact me especially I'm away from home. And they want to see me what I am up to as well. I guess my family lives around with Facebook too!

I ended up with 6 likes for that status. I am fairly surprised about that. I feel so ridiculously pressured by damaging society based on small world. Lot of people here at uni resolve Facebook as their life to make new friends and get with social life. I don't really have a social status at all. Hence no one really see me as exciting person to talk with compared to other people likes and comments are so much higher.

In real life, I always be out there away from the internet more of course. It still have a same result, people always don't see me as exciting kind of person to socialize with. I can't change the way who I am. Its really pressuring me. Society wants me to get drunk and make them more happier for me so they want me to fit with them. That hurt my feelings.
I also have a suggestion. If you want to get more positive response from people. Try to lighten up and maybe post something humorous, but be yourself, not somebody you are not.
You should focus more on the quality of your friends rather than the quantity of them. A few good friends are more valuable than a large number of shallow acquaintances.
Facebook can be slow for most people. Even people grew with it make their grammar so poor. As I am writing this right now, my grammar is probably over average than those Facebook users.

So what I noticed there are a few people want to be fit in everything. Especially I did some humorous posts but no like for 5 hours. I'm pretty sure it was funny and non offensive as I put this quote from fail blog. Meh.

One thing, this American exchange lady told me that she doesn't like picture of her in togs on Facebook. Then suddenly today, she put herself up of her. NB: She is a lesbian by the way. So, curiosity leads to full of lies and bias. Facebook is a trigger of lies. Tissues of lies. So, the end of the line is I will put up statuses and pictures of my travel around US and that from end of the year. Could you see I would become popular?
My dog gets more likes than me.... who cares, FB is overrated and pathetic. I keep my friends list to those who are genuine friends such as the ones I grew up with, travelled with (most lives abroad) my close family/friends and possibly few CI people who would talk to me! if someone had not spoken to me/posted anything on FB after long period of time they are gone, not because i want to, because of hacking/scammers.
THE fb people i talk to are my friends in person..serious problem if needs likes on fb and only them as friends...you seem obsess with it ..
i stuck indoors most of time maybe i forunate i made friends years ago and kept them,my deafness and other physical problems have not stopped it...i think anything thats said to you fb will still feature strongly in your life but it is sad
Yea I don't know. I think its too late that the society is already following Facebook or as a social tool to make friends and get hang outs etc. Aspies are pretty much well behind with this. I'm sure one of you guys on this site are in similar situation as well. Facebook normally use a communication method like using a mobile phone. Sadly, the development from technology has caused further chaos! Technology development has a downside for social interaction, intelligence thoughts and relationships.
Yea I don't know. I think its too late that the society is already following Facebook or as a social tool to make friends and get hang outs etc. Aspies are pretty much well behind with this. I'm sure one of you guys on this site are in similar situation as well. Facebook normally use a communication method like using a mobile phone. Sadly, the development from technology has caused further chaos! Technology development has a downside for social interaction, intelligence thoughts and relationships.

oh... I guess you see it as half-empty cup.
Well to be honest here. I had this status saying 'i shalt thou not to seal my eyes on the ladies at the uni" as a funny joke. I have one like and thats all. I followed your advice of what you said earlier on this thread that use jokes and funny stuff on status and pictures to get likes and comments etc. Well told ya mate, this failed! I am very certain that joke which I quoted above is actually clear enough......

So I deleted it because its embarrassing as like no one laughing at my joke. Meanwhile today, I saw this person have a very bad status based on 'i lost my wallet last night at the club'. That status have 15 likes and 7 comments so far. So, why people say to me use positive status and pictures on Facebook to get people to respond to you. Well that is absolutely BULLSHIT!

Its a label! Social status! Me as person to them! I am being me! I made up those status and I took pictures! So it got nothing to do with being negative and positive to get likes and comments. Its more of who people see me as a person like a label. I assuming lot of people see me on Facebook or even real life as 'bad person, do not talk to him, do not respond to him, do not invite him' etc etc.
Don't be too hard on yourself, take a step back, join a hobby then move on with real people, stop saying I can't I can't, you can do it.... You are only young, plenty of time ahead of you. Early 20's is rough time for everyone as they are emaking lives of their own, struggle at same time and finding their own feet.