Explain your unique Avatar


New Member
Feb 2, 2006
Reaction score
I've seen some pretty unique advatars here and I'm curious to what they all mean?
I'll start with mine: It's a fairy. Amy Brown drew it, she's my favorite artist, and the fairy is doing something magical with leaves.
<---Mine is an Angel, I love angels and even collect them too, everytime I see an Angel picture, it makes me feel better about myself and feeling more calm and peaceful as I imaged myself being one someday....
Downing, I love your avatar, and I think you're beautiful!! it's a shame that some guys haven't noticed...
Mine was inspired by the Harry Potter series, and is taken from a passage in the novel "Goblet of Fire".
Mine is "TAPOUT" -- its a clothing company that sponsors different MMA/NHB fighters. Basically the purpose of "TAPOUT" is to make your opponent tapout -- in other words, surrender or submit -- to you. That's how you win in NHB/MMA fighting matches.
Mine is of butterflies. I love these beautiful flying insects. Whenever I see a whole bunch of them flying together I love to watch them. I find it amazing when a caterpillar turns into a cocoon and then a butterfly pops out of it. It gets to fly out free :)
<~~Always random avatar not too Always same avatar prefernces..

I likes werid avatar and animation avatar any kinds.. just my mood.. :D
<~~~Mine is a picture of me and a member of AD which that would be Diehardbiker65, He's my boyfriend the love of my life ;)
mine is Johnny Cash before he died. i have more random avatars.

like the baby doll with the mohawk and the eye patch and the piercings. thats just random avatars.
My avatar, Basset Hound! I always love Basset Hound since I got a dog is Basset Hound AND beagle mixed. But will change avatar when I feel like to :giggle:

I will miss my Lucy when I go to Seattle tomorrow :tears:
^Angel^ said:
Downing, I love your avatar, and I think you're beautiful!! it's a shame that some guys haven't noticed...

I beg your pardon! I noticed...she's a hot and pretty one...;)
Cheri said:
<~~~Mine is a picture of me and a member of AD which that would be Diehardbiker65, He's my boyfriend the love of my life ;)

Hey Cheri!

You're cute, too! ;) Ah...as for Diehardbiker65...let's see a picture of your motorcycle instead, okay? :mrgreen:
My avatar is my craft, writer and journalist/reporter and I use it on another website.

On another website, I use the logo for BMW (as in the motorcycle...my dream bike).
^Angel^ said:
Downing, I love your avatar, and I think you're beautiful!! it's a shame that some guys haven't noticed...

aww gee thanks.. maybe guys are afraid to approach or dont wanna extra responsibilities bec i have kids?? :confused:
There's an advatar out there..I believe it's Mookie's...with the face thats made from a butt!!! I think that the funniest I've seen ever!! lol :booty:
In Live journal I have a whole set of Buffy advatars I use...I use a different one depending on the mood I'm in. I think it's neat to spice it up a bit.