To follow up on this...I don't think you have to worry too much about your "window of opportunity" as you think you do.
Just having one CI conveys tremendous advantages over a youngster who doesn't have one. The brain now has a real "roadmap" in how to handle sounds and language development has become so much easier. The question now becomes whether or not it is "worth" going throught the process a second time.
As Cloggy has shown us, there are advantages (good ones too!) to having two CIs for his daughter. At the same time, I will personally attest that having one CI is a very workable situation and it really isn't a big deal (which explains why I have no interest in getting a second one for myself). If my processor has a breakdown, I can just switch to my other one and not be inconvenienced at all (er...well momentarily until I get the other one

). I have and others have have mentioned that a second CI will not give you the same "bang for the buck" as the first one.