Exotic Wild Animal Escaped from Ohio Farm

We had the venison, which I was never fond of, but I ate it. Plus I had the Bambi thing going: "Daddy, you killed Bambi!! Waaahhhh!!" But my dad also knew how to dress the hide, and he made me a little outfit out of deer hide one year, a little vest and skirt. I was about 5, I guess. (He died when I was 7, so my age 5 or 6 would have been the last possible season.) I was quite proud of my little outfit and for some reason forgot all about Bambi when I was wearing it. :lol:

Aww...I'm tearing up.

Re: the Bambi thing: my brother loved to torture me. He and dad were coming home from hunting one Thanksgiving (opening day of rabbit season here). I was outside when they were coming through the yard, and my brother was carrying a dressed rabbit. He said, "This was a mommy rabbit. When I shot her, all her babies were yelling, 'Mommy, mommy, mommy!" I dissolved in tears and refused to eat rabbit for a couple of years.:giggle:
In the State of Arkansas if you hit a deer and you call it in to the local authorities, either the Sheriff's Office or the local game warden, you may ask if you can keep the meat. In many cases they will allow you to keep it. If not, they take it to a butcher to have it processed and donated to the Hunters Feeding the Hungry program where hunters can donate their excess meat to homeless shelters. However if you just take the meat home without reporting it and you get caught you can face some serious felony charges.
In the State of Arkansas if you hit a deer and you call it in to the local authorities, either the Sheriff's Office or the local game warden, you may ask if you can keep the meat. In many cases they will allow you to keep it. If not, they take it to a butcher to have it processed and donated to the Hunters Feeding the Hungry program where hunters can donate their excess meat to homeless shelters. However if you just take the meat home without reporting it and you get caught you can face some serious felony charges.


Wow it look like the law is tougher about running over a deer than domestic violent! I think this is very backward! A guy get a warming for beating the crap out a woman but take dead deer and bang your in the slammer!
My dad once hit a deer by mistake and killed it. He though he may as well take it home to eat and put it in the car trunk. My parents got pulled over a few miles later and the cop asked my dad where is the 'body'! He said "HUH" I hit a deer and showed it to the cop. Dad was told he could not bring the dead deer home that it will given to soup kitchen to feed homeless people. Right!! I bet the cop took it home! Someone reported my dad hit a person and stuffed the body in the truck of his car !

:laugh2: too funny!

I remember one night my buddies (neighbors) and I went out drinkin back roads and one of the drunks who drink beer for breakfast forced the driver to pull over b.c the cop was standin over a wounded deer. All 4 of us got out and the cop put a bullet hole in the deer's head right in front of us. The cop even let us take the deer to the drunk's home. :lol: The cop was cool.
Wow it look like the law is tougher about running over a deer than domestic violent! I think this is very backward! A guy get a warming for beating the crap out a woman but take dead deer and bang your in the slammer!

Because you illegally took a deer. You can even be reported on suspicion. A game warden will come out to your residence and ask to check your freezer. If you have illegally taken deer meat, you are arrested and charged. The AGFC have dogs that can and will track out deer meat on your property. If it hits on your freezer, you better have a good explanation. They can tell if it's fresh or if it's been sitting in your freezer for a while.

There are people who will poach and sell the meat to unsuspecting buyers, or they will sell the meat for drugs. There have been people who will take a 10 point buck in velvet. Then, act dumb enough to post all about it on Facebook.

There isn't a shortage of deer, but managing the deer population can be tricky. Too many does, then there's not enough bucks to go around. If there's too many bucks, there's no does and they end up fighting to the death for does. You want to maintain a certain ratio of bucks to does if you can. That's why hunting is regulated the way it is, and why there are serious consequences for those who choose to break the law.