Yes I second that.
I was also baptized Roman Catholic, too and was not pay the attention to any beliefs until I learn from school, my strict Roman Catholic Grandparents, muslim friends and JW friends and travel nearly half world and learn their different beliefs. I find interesting to learn where they come from but we respectfully debate in agree to disagree... We all accept the fact why we agree to disagree and still remain friends. I has a little knowledge about Christianity until I registered Alldeaf in 2004. I was like

which is total different than I know the people from different beliefs because they never said to me "If you do not accept Jesus or God then go to hell, etc." or never angry, offense or upset when we have different point of view as them.
I had the feeling after read any religion threads that some Christians don´t have knowledge enough about their belief. No offense please. Some Christians are different than other beleivers who have a lot of knowledge over the bible and talk logic etc. I had a good and interesting debate with them. They gave me many positive logic answer to my many questions. I tried to question Christians here but I do not get satisfy answer. Oh Well...