Hrm....typical creationist questions that's been copy/pasted a million times.Questions :
You DO know that evolution has NOTHING to do with the origin of life right?Where did life come from ?
So what is your definition of 'information'. Number of base pairs? thats increased by gene duplication. The order of base pairs? this can be altered by mutation and frame shift (see nylonase). Again, you clearly dont know the answer, u probably dont even know the basics of biochemistry. But please, lets have a discrete god definition of 'information'.Where did the informations in cells come from ?
most importantly... which came first, the chicken or the egg? lol
some things are interesting to think about how we fit in the grand scheme of life
Let me get this clearer, there are different teaching of evolution and I know about evolution theories, all are not the same. There are some that doesn't believe there is God. In someway about creationism also has a different groups just as evolution. Like I said, if evolution put God aside or claiming their is no God, that is where I disagree. Do you think christians doesnt involve science and etc? There are christians involve and even christians doesn't agree everything about how creationism believes either. Another thing, I know you "think" or claim to "know so" bec I am a christian, which relate I don't know anything. That is very common bickering that has been doing throughout the thread. Not just you, others as well as some of them are commenting about " christians lack of understanding".
Creationism but I almost got believe into evolution. Thank to the biology class from the public school. :rl:
This isn't even evolution vs creation, it's more "Evolution is wrong, because us retards say so"![]()
I believe in the creation is from God. But as evolution theories and creationism theories both all in the mixed. .
The idea about Evolution and Creation can not be compared because they are not alike. Evolution supports Darwin's theory on how one species changed into many species based on natural selection. How can a "creation" use to explain about one species changed to a different species?
How do you explain why humans are labelled as Homo Sapiens? We have a few "homo" species that are sorta cousin to homo sapiens such as homo neanderthalensis, homo erectus, and others. How can you mix that idea with creation? Umm?
What does evolutionist believe?
I know evolution is Darwin theories. What does creationism believe? What does evolutionist believe?
Evolutionist believes in Darwin's theory, so doesn't that answer your question? Creationism was created by the church who thought the old and new testaments were the evidence of life. These books are just a story while fossils, skeletons, and other objects that were here longer than a book are the proof of life.
You don't need buy Pokemon games for your children because they are pro-evolution.
***looks around the room and whispers***
ID (intelligent Design)
The scientist story was so absurd I found it hard to read.
There was a witness.
Any willful action is not a random event.
The scientist admits to having a soul.
If fact, the Scientist argued for 'Cause and Effect' and that an intelligent individual was the first cause.
How ironic that a scientist just argued for Intelligent Design.
How can all christians figure where black skin, slaunt eye, flatbroad nose, white skin, blonde hair, blue eyes came from?? are those came from evolution or what? - XBGMER
Changes within a species are very common. They occur all the time, a Christian who tries to refute such a claim has not done enough research.
However, this is a mixing of already existent genes. It is the sudden creation of a new gene which is the issue.
Evolution is propagated by mutations. Natural Selection propagating evolution would require that these mutations occur on purpose, however, mutations are completely random.
I have a few questions of my own:
How probable is bioneogenesis? (creating life from non life)
What is one example of a beneficial mutation?
What was the cause of the Big Bang?
God has no peers....THERE ARE NO PEER REVIEW PAPERS ON CREATIONISM in the scientific literature....
Science taught you that "the sun goes from East to West"? Whoa! All this time I thought it was the Earth's rotation. Will wonders never cease?!I would say science because it explained about many things. It is the only reliable tool that we have to explain about how functions work because people do not understand why it exists such as, ...why the sun goes from East to West...
Maybe some day we'll catch up with Methuselah. :roll:... how to live a longer life, etc.
Christian men followed God's Word for guidance in many scientific and medical fields, such as belief that the earth was an orb, and that the currents of the sea had chartable pathways.God did not lead men to find answers.
Not all Christians were Catholics, and they didn't follow the Catholic church rules....Men found those answers from boycotting against the Catholic Church in the late 1500s. Catholic Church banned men from doing surgeries on dead bodies, they called it a sin.
Why should He clean up someone else's mess?... I would ask him to clean up the pollution...
He will, some day. Then, He will create for us a more beautiful home....Would he be happy to see Earth gone?
For someone who claims to trust science, you don't know much about it....Glaciers are melting rapidly and they are going to raise about 30 to 50 feet of sea level.
How lovely you took what I wrote out of context. Still doesn't change my points.***looks around the room and whispers***
ID (intelligent Design)
The scientist story was so absurd I found it hard to read.
There was a witness.
Any willful action is not a random event.
The scientist admits to having a soul.
If fact, the Scientist argued for 'Cause and Effect' and that an intelligent individual was the first cause.
How ironic that a scientist just argued for Intelligent Design.
What the hell are you talking about? What does biogenesis have to do with evolution? You DO know that evolution has NOTHING to do with the origin of life right?I have a few questions of my own:
How probable is bioneogenesis? (creating life from non life)
There's actually a few I can point out to you, but what is the purpose of asking this question? What will it accomplish?What is one example of a beneficial mutation?
SECRETS OF THE DEAD . Mystery of the Black Death . Clues & Evidence | PBSScientists studying HIV first learned about the gateway-blocking capacity of the CCR5 mutation in 1996. Several drug companies, then, quickly began exploring the possibility of developing pharmaceuticals that would mimic delta 32 by binding to CCR5 and blocking the attachment of HIV. Previous methods of treatment interfered with HIV's ability to replicate after the virus has already entered a cell. This new class of HIV treatment, called early-inhibitor -- or fusion-inhibitor -- drugs seek to prevent the virus from ever attaching at all. These pharmaceuticals are still in relatively early stages of development, but certainly stand as a hopeful new method of approaching HIV treatment.
I'm sure creationists have never told you that the Big Bang theory was first proposed by a Catholic priest, and know that the Church does not contest it in the least.What was the cause of the Big Bang?
Hrm....typical creationist questions that's been copy/pasted a million times.
You DO know that evolution has NOTHING to do with the origin of life right?
Further reading:
Origin of life - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
So what is your definition of 'information'. Number of base pairs? thats increased by gene duplication. The order of base pairs? this can be altered by mutation and frame shift (see nylonase). Again, you clearly dont know the answer, u probably dont even know the basics of biochemistry. But please, lets have a discrete god definition of 'information'.