Evidence that historically deaf kids were thought of as mentally disabled


Well-Known Member
Mar 27, 2003
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I was accused of making up the fact that deaf kids were thought of as mentally disabled, back in the old days.
Here is a quote that I was not making it up.......
From Art and the Handicapped Child by Zaidee Lindsey,copyright 1972 pg 22
"The fact that many deaf children are only able to hear sound in
mutilated form,while others do not receive or cannot interpret it will cause varying degrees of mental retardation."
THAT attitude was the direct result of a lot of Deaf Schools having really crappy educations back in the day. So mainstreaming represented an escape from really crappy educational systems back in the day. Many older (40 plus) Dhh adults experianced that...For THEM, yes mainstreaming represented an "out"...People thought that by getting rid of the schools that would improve things for dhh kids...
Who accused you making this up ? This is a well know fact that deaf and HOH and kids with poor eyesight where thought to have something wrong with them . I just heard of a child that was thought to be slow and the poor child only needed eyeglasses . You should not worry about what stupid people say.
People still treat deaf children as if they're stupid.
Some hearing parents who are oral-only advocates or anti-ASL have accused her of that. Some of them were former ADers.
People still treat deaf children as if they're stupid.

I had that happen to me when I first moved into my condo. A guy thought I was I retarded when he saw that I wore 2 HA. I loved it when both of us tried to get our taxes reduced on our condos at the same time . I asked the guy if got his taxes reduced and he said "No!" I told him I got mine and I loved seeing the look on his face when I told him this. The guy was a realtor too and it really got to him that I got was able to get this and not HIM.
I had that happen to me when I first moved into my condo. A guy thought I was I retarded when he saw that I wore 2 HA. I loved it when both of us tried to get our taxes reduced on our condos at the same time . I asked the guy if got his taxes reduced and he said "No!" I told him I got mine and I loved seeing the look on his face when I told him this. The guy was a realtor too and it really got to him that I got was able to get this and not HIM.

I can dig it. As an Air Force brat I attended quite a few schools (mainstreaming). My classmates would accuse me to taking crib notes or otherwise cheating on my tests because I always aced them. Hah.
Some hearing parents who are oral-only advocates or anti-ASL have accused her of that. Some of them were former ADers.

As well as in this thread:http://www.alldeaf.com/sign-language-oralism/114603-worth-oral.html
Now if only I can find that pamphlet from the '70's where it was found that kids with mild loss had orgionally been thought to be mentally disabled until they got a hearing test/hearing aids.......Anyway THAT attitude is a BIG reason why older oral deaf adults found the education at deaf schools really lacking before reform......It WAS really bad back in the old days.....They're still bad but that's due to a multitude of reasons (and of course the early childhood at deaf schools/programs tends to be VERY good)
Would this help you? http://www.alldeaf.com/our-world-our-culture/83923-misdiagnosis-deaf.html

As for me, I was also misdiagnosed back in the 60s. Autistic, retarded or both. Yeah i know it's not politically correct nowadays to say 'retarded' but it was the label given to me back then. My parents didn't believe the so-called experts and finally had gotten the correct diagnosis from a doc in St. Louis. I was 5.
... and now they do it even worse...but lumping together Downs kids with Deaf , grrr this is really dangerous for today's d/Deaf youths!!, it is so dangerous that, it actually hides the idea of deaf is "about the same as the retards" grrr not a good way of looking, but apparently its "all about (sic) human rights, "rights to sign" yeah yeah...invite us to so the picking and training, professional feedbacks? nope and more NOPE!!

disgusting I'd say...
... and now they do it even worse...but lumping together Downs kids with Deaf , grrr this is really dangerous for today's d/Deaf youths!!, it is so dangerous that, it actually hides the idea of deaf is "about the same as the retards" grrr not a good way of looking, but apparently its "all about (sic) human rights, "rights to sign" yeah yeah...invite us to so the picking and training, professional feedbacks? nope and more NOPE!!

disgusting I'd say...

YES.....Using Sign for Alternative/augmentive communication for folks whose only issue is that they're mentally handicapped/autistic is NOT the same at ALL .
Yes many people thought originally until studies were done proving that horse**** myth to be false. Sadly a bunch of stupid hearing people sometimes forget its not true.
Meh in that thread you were insisting that dhh kids with mild losses are STILL being diagnosed with mental retardation, everybody agreed that yes it used to happen, but not today, which you were insisting on........that quote, with no links btw, was from 72, so like 41 years ago.....not exactly "today" now is it? Didn't that thread get locked because people were going around in circles because of it?
Meh in that thread you were insisting that dhh kids with mild losses are STILL being diagnosed with mental retardation, everybody agreed that yes it used to happen, but not today, which you were insisting on........that quote, with no links btw, was from 72, so like 41 years ago.....not exactly "today" now is it? Didn't that thread get locked because people were going around in circles because of it?

I posted on #2 that kid was diagnosed with as slow and the child only needed eyeglasses, this happen this year. There will always some 'stupid ' people that still think a deaf or hoh child is slow.
I posted on #2 that kid was diagnosed with as slow and the child only needed eyeglasses, this happen this year. There will always some 'stupid ' people that still think a deaf or hoh child is slow.

But she was talking about doctors and that it happens A LOT. Plus the whole thing about her saying she was accused if making it up that it happened in the old days. Untrue, she was being questioned that it it still happened a lot today. So basically she twisted what happened and sourced something from 40 years ago, when no one was even questioning that it happened then.
But she was talking about doctors and that it happens A LOT. Plus the whole thing about her saying she was accused if making it up that it happened in the old days. Untrue, she was being questioned that it it still happened a lot today. So basically she twisted what happened and sourced something from 40 years ago, when no one was even questioning that it happened then.

Thank you.
But she was talking about doctors and that it happens A LOT. Plus the whole thing about her saying she was accused if making it up that it happened in the old days. Untrue, she was being questioned that it it still happened a lot today. So basically she twisted what happened and sourced something from 40 years ago, when no one was even questioning that it happened then.

Um WRONG..............Kokonut twisted that....I NEVER said that dhh kids were misdx as mentally disabled. I said that people may treat dhh kids with deaf voices/accents as mentally disabled b/c their deaf accent may make them sound not exactly bright.
And yes the quote was from 40 something years ago.....I posted that b/c indeed it really explains a lot of why older deaf adults found mainstreaming to be of value...They were not locked into a school with REALLY bad expectations.......Mainstreaming represented an "out" from low expectations...Also back then it was relatively unusual for kids to be mainstreamed....So they didn't deal with the baggage of low expectations that are common today.Most mainstreamed dhh kids are placed in/managed by special ed. Most mainstream special ed is learning disabled/behavorial and mental disabilty.....If a dhh (or other low incidence but still academic/high potentional kid) gets services through mainstream sped, and they don't respond well to a minimal accomondations approach, they get lumped in with the high incidence kids (who are not known for high acheivement levels) and thus underacheive.
Very simlair No.....doctors do not treat dhh kids like they're mentally disabled/learning disabled.....BUT our educational system often does ....did you know in Canada its not that unusual for dhh high schoolers to be placed in Life Skills classes (classes for the mentally disabled?).....even today! Also parents of dhh kids have mentioned that with the dissolution of oral deaf classes/schools,they'll get told to bring their kid to a speech/language program or a communication class....Most kids served in those types of programs are mentally disabled or autistic (and classic/severe/obvious autistic.....not exactly Asperger's level functioning)
DD, I get parts of what you're saying but this -" If a dhh (or other low incidence but still academic/high potentional kid) gets services through mainstream sped, and they don't respond well to a minimal accomondations approach, they get lumped in with the high incidence kids (who are not known for high acheivement levels) ...." <end quote>

implies both kids with LD and with developmental disabilities do not/cannot make high achievements, which is false.

Specifically, the vast majority of kids with learning disabilities can naturally - and do- make high grades or have high abilities in other areas besides the specific area or areas of disability.

You are stereotyping or "lumping" again
DD anybody can go back to that and read for themselves that NO ONE said it didn't happen "in the old days" mew specifically said 40-50 years ago yes. Try can read for themselves you were insisting kids with MILD losses get diagnosed with mental retardation A LOT still TODAY, that was the argument. It's all right there in the thread. It's locked, not unreadable. You're being silly and not proving your argument at all. AND your reviving an argument that got a thread locked.