EVIDENCE of being deaf with Hearing Aid device

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Momoftwo said:

See.....CI causes many people to feel very painful because of the arguments....see....CI is so evil....that's why God did NOT plan on CI. CI really hurts so many deaf people due to their identities.

F O R G E T about CI.. Why can't you quit discussing about CI? I wish that CI is not here so that way everyone would feel peace and happy!
Not to mention serious health risks: http://www.alldeaf.com/showthread.php?t=27296
oh never mind.. I repeated what someone already said... :whistle:
neecy said:
If my CI stops working I'll go back to communiating the way I did before I had a CI - lipreading and sign. Now that I have the CI I don't have the NEED to sign, but that doesn't mean I *can't*.
or have your ci replaced :dunno: unless they comes out with nanotechnology that you could get rid of CI and be implant free and can hear! :whistle:
Boult said:
oh never mind.. I repeated what someone already said... :whistle:

And who would that be? :whistle:
R2D2 said:
Hey SR171soars a thought has occured to me. What are we doing here on Alldeaf.com? It's ruining our image! We're supposed to be pretending to be hearing people. Oh, the shame. What are we going to do when people find out what we really are....deaf?

Momoftwo said:

God made people deaf and LEAVE deaf people alone - don't need them to be fixed!

Computer doesn't belong to your body. Deaf is in your body.

You don't get it.
In other thread, I said everything causes cancer... I mean everything... so think about that.. Life is short. you see I have been told that god made everything for us to make everything. what a concept eh... (I am secular humanist not christian) So why not God not make everything so we won't be having this computer to post this drivels. eh..

I am sorry that I don't have the informations from the Bible about man-made. But what I can tell you is that many, many people (my family, ministers, friends, neighbors and so forth) told me that CI are NOT man-made. I agree with them.

To some of people,

I'm sorry that this is my strong belief that God has to do nothing with the CI. It was the doctors who invented the CI - not God.

For those deaf people with CI, they feel better for having the CI because they need the sounds and what's more they simply don't like for not being able to understand what others are saying to them and also, they love listening to the music and also, they sometimes don't like to feel frustrated like phone, leftout, etc. I feel sorry for them.

Sure, I accept that they have the CI and that is their free-will and their choice. Not mine....

I simply say that CI isn't a good idea after all - that is my strong opinion.

Again, God did NOT give some deaf people the CI.

That's all I can say and that's enough for me to say because I've said it enough.

Now, QUIT debating on this one because it is still debating. So what...I want to read on this section BUT wow people won't stop debating - that's really sad! See...I almost never posted about CI because it is not an interesting thing for me to talk about but this time, I've decided to come here and said something for once.

I wish you all good luck on this awful debating about CI. If you want to say something to me, sorry, I won't give you my comments because I've said it enough!

God Bless You!
It's alright Momof2, I don't expect everyone to agree here so therefore I will respect your opinon on how you see it, thanks for sharing it :)

once again, you already here part of this debate recently.. why you still whining about ci is evil..

Isn't ci evil...
Does Bible say ci is evil ???
I don't think so..
Just be netural and let it be....

You want quit debate.. then don't come back here this thread again..
I am sorry that I don't have the informations from the Bible about man-made. But what I can tell you is that many, many people (my family, ministers, friends, neighbors and so forth) told me that CI are NOT man-made. I agree with them.

NOT man made?? who makes them then? gnomes ? :dunno:

BTW There is plenty of things that are not mentioned in the Bible. but for this you'll have to go to the other Forum..

ayala920 said:
There are members in this forum who have CIs and are incredibly involved in Deaf culture. The one I think of off the top of my head (a personal friend of mine) has a deaf mother, uses ASL daily, attends monthly Deaf socials (we're going to one this weekend!) and has held a position in a Deaf organization in his state. And he has a CI. Now, please explain to me why someone would go out of their way to stay involved with Deaf culture if they didn't accept their deafness?

both r2d2 and sr171soars just recently convinced me that
this does have nothing to do with "acceptance" at all...
I realize the real issue is about their interests
rather than acceptance.

It looks like maybe you just missed my recent posting
earlier at this same thread above, so I'm enclosing URL
here for you to see my comment replying back to
r2d2 and sr171soars:

I'm sure that we cannot expect everyone
to enjoy same interests. Thats why its so mandatory to
respect each other whatever they are interested in.
If they want CI, go for it. If they do NOT want CI, then
forget it. Simple.
^Angel^ said:
How do you actually know this is not what God want? God provide tools to help people needs and CI happen to be one of these tools

Do you wear hearing aids?
God also allows us to kill people. Does that mean He wants us to? I don't think so! It's because God gave us free will. Just making a point here.
Audiofuzzy said:
NOT man made?? who makes them then? gnomes ? :dunno:

BTW There is plenty of things that are not mentioned in the Bible. but for this you'll have to go to the other Forum..

:laugh2: AGREED!
Y said:
both r2d2 and sr171soars just recently convinced me that
this does have nothing to do with "acceptance" at all...
I realize the real issue is about their interests
rather than acceptance.
I'm sure that we cannot expect everyone
to enjoy same interests. Thats why its so mandatory to
respect each other whatever they are interested in.
If they want CI, go for it. If they do NOT want CI, then
forget it. Simple.

I think you are on to something there. I do think it is still a tangled web between acceptance and interests. I too at one time never thought I wanted to hear quite like the hearing (thinking I be a mess listening to all those sounds at their level). Over the years, I changed my thinking especially when my hearing was decreasing that I did still want to hear this stuff.
Then why do you use "audiofuzzy" as your username? It seems very clear to me that you work as audiologist. And what's more you seem to know so much about CI even though you are hearing. Sooooo.....

The importance of what you wrote escaped my attention yesterday.
Today as I re-read some posts I realised what you wrote is and example of alarming mix of chaotic mis-information and your own fantasy.

How could you think I am hearing audiologist just by my username (which I explained later what it means) - do you know what exactly "audio" means?
It just mean sound, anything related to sound.
My username implicates I have "fuzzy" sound reception - thus that I am hearing impaired.

And then you say I know so much about CI.
OF COURSE I know, because before I open my mouth on aby subject FIRST I WANT TO LEARN about it.

You can too educate yourself on CI if only you make an effort.
All you have to do is read read read. There is plenty of information on the Internet, just click Google and type Cochlear Implant. Or you can go to library and ask for books about CI. Even better why not read a book I just posted about- Wired for Sound - for starters.

Have you ever troubled yourself to read anything about CI besides discussion like these? Just because you will read and learn about CI does not mean you'll run and get one.

And then you asumed I am hearing. Why?

Also, why do you think only an audiologist can know so much about CI? Can't I know a lot from simply reading about it?

To those of you that stayed on the topic...I appreciate it! To the rest of you, *thumbs down*. You have no respect, everytime I post something new you destroy my topic. Thats why I refused to reply to you for a couple days. All the repetition about CI is not needed in this topic...I am saying that many deaf people cant hear with the devices with all the incomprehensive words and it hurts their true language. There is a huge difference between true language and spoken language for deaf people. That is a Fact!

Sighs! Audists are trying to undo years of progress in education after all I m here to educate people because I am a very tireless advocate that they need to see the truth and fact from d/Deaf people like me.

First of all I like to make it clear, by making those specific words bold, I am trying to show the truth as far as the struggle that Deaf people experience with our ears...however, we are not Latened Deaf. There is a difference.

People aren't born deaf in my family: it happens later on. For my mother and my sister it was in their teens. I first noticed I was having problems aged 19. I was working as a waitress and would sometimes get the orders wrong. The chef shouted at me to get a hearing test and I did. The audiologist said I had a very slight loss but didn't believe I had the family deafness.

We are born deaf and became deaf in early age (2-3 years old or younger). We are profoundly deaf also. During this period of time, we do not recieve any language and we are forced to wear Hearing Aids or to listen. In my experience, that is brainwashing and we were being pushed too hard to hear like a hearing child/person. Thats what people with Audist attitude tend to think of; HEARING and ORAL SPEAKING only.

I didn't think I would go deaf, but very, very gradually it's got worse. I still don't know whether I'm going to become profoundly deaf like my mum and sister, who both use sign language. My father isn't deaf and now finger-spells the first letter of every word for me. I'm profoundly deaf in high frequencies and wear hearing aids. When people are speaking I hear the vowels well and have to try and fill in the gaps with lip reading and guesswork.

Our Absolute frustration is that many deaf kids are born to hearing parents who dont know ASL. As a result we had to guess our way through conversations which sometimes led to anger and arguments because of miscommunication. Also, the hardest part for us was not being able to express our thoughts and feelings, to participate and share, with the other party (ies). Communication was very limited, even after we learned how to speak.

When I'm lip-reading it takes a bit longer for my brain to process what people are saying. [Sometimes I can see people looking slightly annoyed if I appear blank. I'm a performer of spoken-word monologues using mimicry and accents. A girl once came up to me after a show and said something, but I couldn't understand her. She asked if I was drunk. It turned out she was trying to tell me I was a genius, but she just ended up insulting me instead. But for every one person I meet who can't deal with my deafness I meet 10 who are brilliant about it.

This is what I've been trying to say...it takes a little time to register each word that is spoken and by the time it is comprehended, I have missed out on what has been said since then; and depending on lipreading isnt very reliable especially because we can only rely on facial expressions and body language to tell us the emotions of people, and, sometimes that doesnt even work 100% of the time. That is why we understand so much better with ASL because emotional tones are included. I am no stranger to oppression,discrimination, prejudice, and being treated like a second class citizen for many years...times havent changed much either.

I'm a performer of spoken-word monologues using mimicry and accents.

Im not quite sure what this means...if anyone has an idea please let me know.
All I know is I have a deaf voice and that cannot be changed. I think this is an example of the different varieties of deaf voices that affect peoples prejudices, people think that we are mentally retarded or something. That is prejudice, to make people think that D/deaf people are not intelligent. This still occurs today.

I'm lucky in that I established myself as a writer and performer when my hearing was still pretty good. I now use an interpreter in rehearsals and a stenographer will provide an instantaneous transcription when we're working on scripts. Last year I toured Russia with the British Council giving creative writing workshops as well as performing.

If I don't tell people straight away that I'm deaf they think I'm being weird. I used to try and bluff my way through conversations, but it's tiring and I end up looking weird anyway. Some people think I'm putting it on to wind them up as deafness is believed to be something that happens to older people and also because my speech is normal.

She used to be hearing so she has years of experience listening to words that are spoken. As far as her statement about bluffing, I can relate totally. After so much of that I just end up walking away from the conversation because it is pointless to pretend to understand what is going on. No matter if I have a HA on or not the situation remains the same. Oral speaking is not 100% for us, I ve never felt comfortable sitting through a conversation because that is not for me to have that all the time, it is not fair treatment. It is not a "2 way street". It does not exist yet in deaf or hearing communities.

My family has a really great attitude about deafness so I don't worry about the future. It's the day-to-day problems that crop up that do my head in sometimes. For example, if there's an announcement on the train, I won't know what's going on. Sometimes, if I'm reading a book, I've ended up in the sidings.

I dont mean to put my family down, but in all honesty my family is very negative about my deafness in m any ways. Only one person in my family, my sister, bothered to learn sign and even she doesnt know more than the basic alphabet. That is still limited conversation. I have always been angry and frustrated by not having real conversations with my mom or grandmother etc... This is why I am so dissapointed and let down by my family...whats the use for me to have speech in the first place if it s not 100% effective. There are too many mistakes to educate hearing people about ORAL speaking and making deaf people hear with devices. I am not speaking about Latened deaf...that is a different situation.

I also worry that people think I must fancy them because I'm staring at their lips a lot. So long as they don't have a beard or talk with their mouth full, I can lip-read them and I don't care what they think.

This reminds me of the book "What's that pig outdoors?" by Henry Kisor. It s all about the lip movement that people have all different kinds. How can we be expected us to hear and listen to those people who talked to us alone. Its very straining on the eyes and tiresome too. There is no emotion to go along with it becaus ethere are no recognizable voice tones to go along with it in many ways. It must be remembered that we are deaf and not hearing. Even if we are wearing hearing devices. Therefore it is the saem concept for CI that failed many people, including children. Just because someone raises their voice to us doesnt mean we can hear them.

I miss out on ambient conversation, so I organise my social life so I don't put myself in situations where I'm at a dinner party with 15 people and everyone's talking at all at once. My boyfriend learned to sign as soon as we started seeing each other. Sometimes I
call him and just talk at him[/b] and don't know what he's saying back.

Perfect example at home...people dont participate with the deaf persons at the dinner table in normal conversations in majority of hearing families. Can you imagine all those years, from childhood till adulthood without the "2 way street" after all we speak. Whats the use?

The biggest change has been to my identity. I'm not the person I expected to be and have had to incorporate deafness into my personality. In my heart I'm still a hearing person, but as time goes by and as my hearing deteriorates, I am getting better at being deaf.

I feel the way that my children have their rights to be a hearing child because it s their true identity as well as deaf children should be treated the same. Deaf children are human beings as is and deserve just as much freedom. As for me, I feel betrayed by hearing people who have no respect for me for so long until about 6 years ago when I found my true identity. That is very painful and confusing to have to deal with the struggle of having to be like a hearing child.

If I have children, there's a chance that they would inherit the gene, but I don't want any at the moment as I'm so busy with my career. When my mother first married, a doctor told her to get sterilised because she would have deaf children, but she ignored them. I'm more concerned about having a ginger baby than a deaf one. I'm a strawberry blonde but used to be more ginger.

It is more like audist attitude, Alexander Graham Bell had the same attitude. that is why we have so much of this attitude in this society, they think they own the hearing world or are superior to deaf people, by their Control and Power with no Respect, that turns me off.

Okay! This is why I feel that CI will not change me or help me to become hearing, it is a waste of time, energy, money and more damaged to d/Deaf children's body IMO. Also, HA and CI are the same kind of behavior patterns in many ways that is not going to be different at all. Just gain the sound you might hear or see the difference but NO big difference that is not gonna make you Hear like people want us to.

I feel that Hearing or d/Deaf parents have no business to conform those d/Deaf children because they have a very negative view of deafness and cant accept that they are already normal. That is very poor reason.

Also I feel that the parents should learn ASL no matter if they like it or not. That is their responsibility. That's for d/Deaf chlidren's rights. Also to give them a positive outlook on being deaf.

Thank you!! ;)
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I just want to clarify on this... Someone asked me, what does it have to do with d/deaf parents with d/Deaf Children?

I am talking about deaf oralism parents who also have a very negative view of deafness and Deaf community itself in many ways. That s usually coming from audist attitude d/Deaf oralism and Hearing people.

Thank you! ;)
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