Everything about iPhone

My current contract doesn't expire until Feb 2011, and I don't want to shell lots of money just to break it early.

I bought a T-mobile sidekick as gift to my ex-gf under my account as family plan and then, We argued and broke up. I called T-mobile for cancel her sidekick and then, i paid $200 for early contract termination fee.. fuck me!

She can't afford to get any pager cuz, she don't have credit card yet. too bad!

Verizon's early contract termination fee is $350.. wtf..
I bought a T-mobile sidekick as gift to my ex-gf under my account as family plan and then, We argued and broke up. I called T-mobile for cancel her sidekick and then, i paid $200 for early contract termination fee.. fuck me!

She can't afford to get any pager cuz, she don't have credit card yet. too bad!

Verizon's early contract termination fee is $350.. wtf..

Yup but ETF for att is $325 too.

I broke contract at 2 times.
My current contract doesn't expire until Feb 2011, and I don't want to shell lots of money just to break it early.

I know that iPhone 4 price is more costly in Australia than America. I take carefully to break it. I have protective case. I think that next gen iPhone s shell must be stronger. may be no more Gorilla Glass shell.
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Yup but ETF for att is $325 too.

I broke contract at 2 times.

Broken contract?? I never break contract any mobile company in many years. LOL

If you break contract, you must sell any mobile.
That's unheard about "must". :confused:

same here. I do know that if you terminate the contract early... you are required to pay early termination fee but "must" sell mobile? never heard of it.
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this is why I decided to use iphone over EVO even though EVO has some strengths.. it's the user interface that matters the most to me, even though I am a geek:

"There's something about (multi)touch on Android that isn't quite as elegant as the iPhone. The animations aren't as smooth, touch doesn't always respond the same way and things just don't feel right."

Jumping Ship from iPhone to Android: A Switcher's Guide

It gives info for those who are switching from iphone to android and what to expect with the switch.

I saw EVO today and it's not that bad but iPhone just look nicer - very smooth and elegant in design! The animations seem a little off on EVO. I cannot explain it - iPhone's animation is just silky smooth. It's like iPhone has some kind of powerful GPU to accelerate all graphics thus making it super smooth and animate well.
I am POSITIVE iPhone will come to Verizon. The AT&T deal will expire in summer of 2011 from what I read. Thank goodness that I'm already grandfathered in ATT plan. I think ATT allows early upgrades because it KNOWS that it will lose future customers to other carriers so by making them upgrade sooner, it effectively locks them for the next two years.
I am POSITIVE iPhone will come to Verizon. The AT&T deal will expire in summer of 2011 from what I read. Thank goodness that I'm already grandfathered in ATT plan. I think ATT allows early upgrades because it KNOWS that it will lose future customers to other carriers so by making them upgrade sooner, it effectively locks them for the next two years.

I hope so!

We have around five months to go to find it out.
Crazy gadget and jokes




I am POSITIVE iPhone will come to Verizon. The AT&T deal will expire in summer of 2011 from what I read. Thank goodness that I'm already grandfathered in ATT plan. I think ATT allows early upgrades because it KNOWS that it will lose future customers to other carriers so by making them upgrade sooner, it effectively locks them for the next two years.

Yeah, After AT&T's expire will be end in 2011, Apple may agree other carriers like Verizon, T-Mobile and Sprint. I will wait to get next iPhone next two years if LTE will be launched.
Mobile VRS in iPhone 4???

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CyvvouoHY1g&feature=player_embedded]YouTube - ZVRS' iZ[/ame]
ZVRS announced the newest product called iZ. ZVRS collaborated with AT&T and Apple to create the world's first mobile videophone with video relay services specifically for iPhone 4 and their FaceTime program.


But I still be disappointed about Purple P3. I will find out about it at Deaf Nation World Expo in Las Vegas.
Mobile VRS in iPhone 4???

YouTube - ZVRS' iZ
ZVRS announced the newest product called iZ. ZVRS collaborated with AT&T and Apple to create the world's first mobile videophone with video relay services specifically for iPhone 4 and their FaceTime program.

DEAF WORLD AS EYE SEE IT ZVRS, AT&T, and Apple created iZ!

But I still be disappointed about Purple P3. I will find out about it at Deaf Nation World Expo in Las Vegas.

download ZVRS app for iphone 4? .. or purchase iphone 4 at ZVRS? (i wish free iphone 4 as like free videophone, free VPAD, free MVP)
download ZVRS app for iphone 4? .. or purchase iphone 4 at ZVRS? (i wish free iphone 4 as like free videophone, free VPAD, free MVP)

I know that this app should be free but FaceTime still be WiFi only. I will wait upgrade app over 3G.