Everyone said: After breaking up can be friends?


New Member
Nov 12, 2010
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Can not be friends after breaking up, as have hurt;
broke up the enemy can not do, because the loved each other once;
we have become the most familiar stranger
Yes and no.

Yes, it's good idea to become friend due no enemy.

No, don't want to become friend if ex did stupid like cheat, hurt, mean, and abuse.
I feel as long as the two really love each other, have to pay the feelings of the couple! ! After breaking up is less likely to become friends. . .But not in regular contact,it will affect their feelings
My ex BF before I got married is now my best male friend. My ex husband 'tries' to be my friend. Then he will bad mouth me to our son. Telling him all about things and mistakes that were done (all seemingly on my side) in our marriage. in his weird way he's trying to get my son to side with him. :roll::dunno: I seriously doubt that will happen cause my son is very smart and can see through the bullshit LOL
Wirelessly posted

All my ex but one are still friends with me. I still talk to them and say hi and all. It really depends how bad relationship was.

The exs I friends with...we can't be close like we were. Too uncomfortable. Plus jealousy will occur if they are dating(my husband would be hurt too if I talk to my ex more than him)
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Can not be friends after breaking up, as have hurt;
broke up the enemy can not do, because the loved each other once;
we have become the most familiar stranger

yeah..you are so right..in a perfect world ..we could all forget the pain of whatever caused the breakup and be friends...but..laughing..for me I try to forgive myself and others...but pain is too much...can not be friends with old lovers....i just wish them peace and move on
Hello, i understood about husband and ex bf. It s non appropriates. The best way, you should be respect your husband and family than ex boyfriend. Forget it about ex boyfriend backgrounds. It s an urgent the family and marriages come first. It s nothing to do with ex bf. Why do you need them ex bf? But some of husbands were an open minded to let wife to keep be friends who ex bf but depends on children feel comfortable or uncomfortable,u have to asked them the discuss then determined,avoid of divorce your own children or husband. I just gave you the best advice,smile. By red2x2varooooom/motorcycle,lol
Wirelessly posted

I don't talk to my ex much so why that a problem? My husband knows them too.
If there are children involved....(by the ex b/f or ex-husband)....then of course, being "friendly" is imperative for the children's sake.....to a point!

Breaking up is hard to do...lots of hurt feelings, maybe even anger. So, I think it's up to the individual whether to still be friends, or move on and ignore that person.

Then, in given time, if you feel you can handle just "being friends", go for it.
I know my gf cuz story lie and not honest! prove where is found it exactly wise prove! inside your sin your inside your trouble! I Don't like interesting play games and or lie! I am hurt to feeling upset! she is mad,who care she is pissed off me! well not joke, I am very tired I Notice it play games and or around!, I notice play games 5 yrs or 10 stranger i don't believe it
As you said, "move on".

(Why would you make ANOTHER thread about an ex-girlfriend from 6 years ago? You need to move on.)
Wirelessly posted

AlleyCat said:
As you said, "move on".

(Why would you make ANOTHER thread about an ex-girlfriend from 6 years ago? You need to move on.)

You are too funny alleycat LOL Matajan never quits at the same time its entertaining lol
No friends for me. After a month or two, they just vanish. Boom, done for. So, not worth it unless a true one really is.
after break up,it could be friends

Can not be friends after breaking up, as have hurt;
broke up the enemy can not do, because the loved each other once;
we have become the most familiar stranger

hello, it depends on sutiations,if it hurts,abuse etc,then it shouldnt be friends when break up. what do you think?
My ex girlfriends always lie to me.

because i am quit my girlfriend no more because i delete her I don`t like play games and lie because my gf si very trouble!! I know I rid her no more forget it i am single I find new girlfriend otherwise match person good friendly! communication to and happy! not ready! I am single right now