If I was hearing, I would've probably became more like my two stepsisters, stepmom and my Dad: Snob, bitchy, popular,racist, superficial, and judgemental.
Plus, I would've became CSI (Crime scene investigator, not the show) or Astronaut...but I can't because of my deafness.
I really think it's unfair how we deaf people are limited to the jobs because of our hearing. For example, We can't be fashion designer? What the heck, we can design but yet we can't talk? Just get a friggin interrupter and then all hearing people can understand.
I really look up to Helen Keller...Look all those things she has done and she's quite a hero to me.
But I have always wondered what underwater hear like. I have CI and I have to take off my CI when I go swimming or take a shower/bath...I always wonder what it would be like hearing underwater.
Other than that...I'm glad that I'm deaf...it's who I am and I like the way I am, not the way my family is. Plus I have great friends, and I got to know great people, who's my true friends and who is not.