Entry Level Graphic Design Position?

no that's not true. they are looking for EXPERIENCED designer for the best bang of their buck. you're NOT gonna find a person like that for cheap price. it's an insult. right now - companies are hiring mostly people with experiences. that's why people fresh out of school are having hard time searching. I had easy time finding a job after college..... and after I got let go. no problem. my secret sauce? my resume was already filled with work experiences. and plus write a good cover letter.
I actually ended up hiring someone without a graphic design degree. We offered the full salary that would have been given to a college graduate. They had proved through their work examples they were competent and able to handle a full-time commitment. They are a great fit for our company and doing well.

I have mixed feeling about college degrees - I feel they are incorrectly viewed as an entitlement to a good job. Although I know that I have personally benefited from mine it is only part of the equation. You still have to prove yourself beyond that piece of paper.
I actually ended up hiring someone without a graphic design degree. We offered the full salary that would have been given to a college graduate. They had proved through their work examples they were competent and able to handle a full-time commitment. They are a great fit for our company and doing well.

I have mixed feeling about college degrees - I feel they are incorrectly viewed as an entitlement to a good job. Although I know that I have personally benefited from mine it is only part of the equation. You still have to prove yourself beyond that piece of paper.

that's why I emphasize on experiences and skills.
Do you work on employment placement for Deaf? VR counselor does that all the time, they see the trends better than you do. Your just downright lucky, perhaps you have enough experience and right location.

I am not saying that nobody is going to find high paying jobs in IT, just that it has been saturated and harder to find than 20 years ago and that is fact. Why this happened? Because too many people flocked to college and choose major as IT. That is what causing problems. It is like gold rush, when news spread discovery of gold in mine, what happens next? There will be flock of gold digger going over there, not everybody gets the gold, only small percentage of people found the gold.

Why engineering is going to be hot? It is because technology has evolved, making other jobs obsolete, even skilled jobs can become obsolete, because engineers would do much of work themselves, then the machines takes over.

Interpreter, how can one outsourcing interpreter jobs? How can Interpreter jobs become obsolete? Yes, you are right about many terps ended up looking for elsewhere, it is because two things happens... It is very difficult to master the skill, secondly, it can cause Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. This is what help maintain demands for Interpreters.

Machinist, I am good with machine and tools. You see, Machinist job is not forever, because Engineers will do the machinist job using 3-D printers. I am not worried because of my age. If I am younger, I would forget about Machinist field.

no. not true. I find it quite abysmal that many VR counselors are very clueless about job markets. I had to keep correcting my friends about what their VR counselors told them.

Engineering field has been getting hit pretty hard for some years now. The biggest portion of engineering fields rely on government contracts and you know that government fund has dried up a while ago.

Medical field... yep always high in demand.

Interpreters.... well not really unless you're certified beyond impression. I know too many "new" interpreters around here and then they changed jobs later on.

IT is always in high demand but you have to be experienced and you need to know many tools. It's still currently one of high-paying jobs. The hardest part is to always keep improving yourself and learning new tools because there will always be someone younger and better than you. the only way to stay ahead of them is to be experienced.... and you'll end up being their boss :)
Do you work on employment placement for Deaf?
do you?

VR counselor does that all the time, they see the trends better than you do.
do they work in the fields? if they see the trends better than I do... then why would they stay in their jobs when they can make more money in other field? :lol:

beside... most of clients' salaries/pay rates are lower than what VR counselors' makes so......... do you get what I'm trying to say?

Your just downright lucky, perhaps you have enough experience and right location.
luck has nothing to do with it. only hard work. I had 2 pages of work experiences before I graduated.

I am not saying that nobody is going to find high paying jobs in IT, just that it has been saturated and harder to find than 20 years ago and that is fact. Why this happened? Because too many people flocked to college and choose major as IT. That is what causing problems. It is like gold rush, when news spread discovery of gold in mine, what happens next? There will be flock of gold digger going over there, not everybody gets the gold, only small percentage of people found the gold.
that's incorrect but you are correct about one thing. IT WAS oversaturated. See the past tense - WAS. That's why companies tightened up their belts and started hiring people much more carefully. Before - companies had plenty of cash. Many college graduates with nearly no work experience were getting hired. Because of this very loose hiring practice... companies started to feel the consequence of it. They started bleeding money and the productivity was low. Consultants advised them about it therefore companies started hiring more carefully. Simple as that.

Why engineering is going to be hot? It is because technology has evolved, making other jobs obsolete, even skilled jobs can become obsolete, because engineers would do much of work themselves, then the machines takes over.
looks like you need to do a more careful research on that more. btw - when machine takes over... then who makes the machine? machine itself? :lol:

anyway I have many friends in engineering fields and it's drying up because government isn't spending much anymore. IT is currently hotter than engineering and that's why bunch of my friends switched the boat.

Do you know where most of engineering jobs are? defense contractors, NASA, drones, civil, etc. do you know what all of them have in common? government money. do you know what's happening with our government? no mo' money. If you really wanna get into engineering field - then sign up for military or go oversea.

Read this carefully - IT pays well and better only if you're experienced and skillful. No skill? No joy. No experience? no joy. If you wanna get into engineering field and get hired right away - then be an A-student and make sure your resume is at least one full page or two of work experiences before your graduation.

Interpreter, how can one outsourcing interpreter jobs? How can Interpreter jobs become obsolete? Yes, you are right about many terps ended up looking for elsewhere, it is because two things happens... It is very difficult to master the skill, secondly, it can cause Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. This is what help maintain demands for Interpreters.
obsolete? I've never said that. I find it wrong that you said it's a hot market. It's not a hot market. It's just not in high demand because the pay rate is not very attractive enough. look at teaching job. it's not a hot market nor in high demand and even though we do need more teachers.... it's just not attractive enough for them to stay in it. they would make actually more in marketing field. sad.

Machinist, I am good with machine and tools. You see, Machinist job is not forever, because Engineers will do the machinist job using 3-D printers. I am not worried because of my age. If I am younger, I would forget about Machinist field.

machining will always be forever in demand and it's a cool job! it will never go away or get replaced. currently - it's very hard to find a very talented machinist since this job market has switched to service and high tech fields. that's why they pay machinists very very very well. it's not uncommon to fly a machinist all the way to different country or even oil rig! I've heard about this machinist being flown all over the world like Singapore, France, Alaska, some oil rig in middle of ocean, etc. because he's that good and there are few people in the world with skills like him. He looks like a mad bulldog :lol:

if you're gonna be a machinist and you wanna stay secured? learn 3D printing and add it to your skills. that would make you pretty much non-expendable and a valuable asset.
May I add something about your phone number. I do not know which provider your phone number default to what VRS.

IF you are current default provider is SVRS, you may want try other provider due caller id "Sorenson Unknown" is getting annoy and not know if job is try call you or someone else. Also the personal message while SVRS doesn't let you have your own personal message.
May I add something about your phone number. I do not know which provider your phone number default to what VRS.

IF you are current default provider is SVRS, you may want try other provider due caller id "Sorenson Unknown" is getting annoy and not know if job is try call you or someone else. Also the personal message while SVRS doesn't let you have your own personal message.

Interesting thought. Currently I leave my phone number off my resume to keep people from calling me outright- prefer to get an email first (and sometimes I manage to call their voice mail late at night to 'test' how they sound lol). Now that I'm looking at (need to try them first) VRS gotta figure out about adding the number or not. Right now I only have ZVRS. Have Soreson's app on my PC but no account/number yet. Hard to find any unbiased reviews of the VRS services :P
Interesting thought. Currently I leave my phone number off my resume to keep people from calling me outright- prefer to get an email first (and sometimes I manage to call their voice mail late at night to 'test' how they sound lol). Now that I'm looking at (need to try them first) VRS gotta figure out about adding the number or not. Right now I only have ZVRS. Have Soreson's app on my PC but no account/number yet. Hard to find any unbiased reviews of the VRS services :P

Reason I bought that up because in past.. when I was looking another job because the thing was not well what I was expecting.. I apply many job and never got one call but "Sorenson Unknown" number.

So I compare with another VRS which I believe ZVRS fit my need when someone call me will alert me right there. Sorenson doesn't alert your call at all until they are connected with the interpreter first and then interpreter call you. If they didn't connected at first, the interviewer may hang up but never get missed call or what caller id display shows. Since I switch to ZVRS, not just because the iPad things. Yes, Sorenson did offer me many thing to bring me back to Sorenson.

However; Sorenson failed and didn't fill their promise for new thing. I bet they are looking at interpreters' need and not the customer. Why? They need milking money from FCC's fund. Yes all VRS try to make the money but ZVRS is one best feature I have seen. Purple and ZVRS are one different is the real time by ringing and alert. The will alert once they are connected but not while caller is dialed your number to rang and not the interpreter. Made sense anyway... hope that suggest will benefit, you may notice the big different and share away.
Hmm.. are yours on the PC or through the separate devices (seems like ZVRS doesn't have one- I didn't see one on their site anymore).

Interesting about the calls. I tend to recognize numbers quickly if I have to or go compare with emails I get- sometimes they email me first then call. The voice to text service I have stinks (T-Mobile lol).

Will definitely post if I do try all three...hmm.

Don't care too much about the iPads.. I have one but would be nice to have a second one lol (for my GoW accounts lol)
Hmm.. are yours on the PC or through the separate devices (seems like ZVRS doesn't have one- I didn't see one on their site anymore).

Interesting about the calls. I tend to recognize numbers quickly if I have to or go compare with emails I get- sometimes they email me first then call. The voice to text service I have stinks (T-Mobile lol).

Will definitely post if I do try all three...hmm.

Don't care too much about the iPads.. I have one but would be nice to have a second one lol (for my GoW accounts lol)

I am current use MacBook Pro bit fancy than PC eh? why don't you try sign all those and you dial voice number to your VP number. You will see the different for just 5 seconds then hang up.. will you get their call? You can add other number on ZVRS if you want, but one number go where I go.. for example; my iPhone, it will log out my Macbook Pro or iPad. They can port, from my understand who friend work and say that can port if you have other VRS. You can ask more information, inbox me and can give you email to contact friend of mine.

Sorry to make us into this off topic/subject :giggle:
I don't put my phone number on my résumé. Only my email. I don't even have a VP.
I don't put my phone number on my résumé. Only my email. I don't even have a VP.

You can actually download P3 on your computer and then you can use that as your VP number on your resume/curriculum vitae.
I don't put my phone number on my résumé. Only my email. I don't even have a VP.

You can actually download P3 on your computer and then you can use that as your VP number on your resume/curriculum vitae.

That's assuming Steel X uses ASL or even WANTS to use VRS.

For now I don't include ANY phone numbers on my resume even though I just started using VRS. Still would prefer some sort of written communication, second would be visit if they are local. In time maybe I'll be more comfy with VRS as I use it more.

You can download any of the VRS software onto PC, Mac, mobile or tablet.
What DeafDucky said is correct. My asl skills isn't THAT great so I do not think the VRS is a good option for me. However, if someone wants to do a phone interview with me, I would have someone to assist me as an interpreter in case I don't understand what the person says over the phone.
Best bet is starting business, but again the competition is fierce and cut throat businesses. I am now departing from IT field, after realize that job market out there is too saturated. Your pretty much stuck at "Buyers Market" where buyer is actually employers and they are out looking for top best designer at cheapest possible salary. 25 years ago, it is whole different ball game where back then it was seller market because not many skilled designers out there and employer had to pay premium due to lack of skilled designer. Not anymore. :(

Yes, I am going back to school this coming fall and it will be completely different field and I am going to pursuit something that is not popular for young generation. Perhaps you should think about career change but keep designer as side job so you won't lose much.

The only hot market for job is.... Medical field, Engineering, and interpreters! The rest, not much going on. I learn from my VR counselor last week. :( Believe it or not, they won't pay me finish my degree in IT! I could, but looking at my age, forget it. Yes, I was recommended go in medical field, and they will pay full no problem, and it was not my interest and had to turn down that field.

I have IT degree from RIT ;0 - class of 2009 (wow, 5 years ago....). At any rate, while I was working at Sorenson Communication via Technical Support, I have been looking for jobs ever since I finished my internship at Washington DC. Well, I was able to land an unrelated job at Sorenson (like you said, it pays the bill). I did had an interview with NSA but they said my position didn't match their job description. I guess I flew there for nothing but hey, at least they paid for it.

However, I noticed the only way to get a job as a prospective employee is via networking, or through your family members or rich individuals. When I worked for Sorenson Communication they constantly asked me if I knew any prospective individual with exemplary technical skill. You know what I told him? Go through the resume and start from there: he didn't like it one bit. I laughed: it's part of his job.

Schedule A and K-88 (I think..) only works if the agency/company/corporation knows your family member. I know, it's sad. I know one of my friend was able to land a job as a CIA employee because her family has connections with them.

However: if you don't have any connections with any government agency/company/corporation (solo) then GOOD LUCK! NULL chance of landing a job. I learned the hard way. That's not something being taught by NTID/RIT/Gallaudet.

Some say there's a way: via sorority and fraternity. I say NO! That's complete and utter bullshit. Not unless if you suck their dick good enuff to land a job from there. Fraternity/Sorority will promise to find you a job but they never do. They just want your money (sorority/fraternity fees). This is the fundamental reason why I joined fraternity in the first place: it was all a hoax ever since then, just don't fall for the same trick twice!

The only way Deaf people can actually land a job is via Schedule A and/or Section K (something like that). It allows them to land a job without competing against hearing people (I think that's so unfair and entirely sad.. oh well).

Another thing to note: majority of hearing employers don't want to waste their time hiring Deaf people. Here's why: they're notoriously difficult to communicate. Surprisingly, hearing people have no issues hiring all disabled individual except Deaf people for this one reason: all of them are able to communicate without issues - oral communication. Do you really think hearing employers have the time and expense to learn how to write in notepad, learn ASL, learn how to use VP, and etc? NO! They don't and they're very reluctant to hire Deaf people. ADA law is a PoS to begin with and barely helping Deaf people finding a job. VR/VESID helps! But they have no guarantees.

At least Walmart doesn't mind hiring Deaf people for minimum wage, that's something they can agree on. LOL! Sad, I know.

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