Enjoy the Pictures!

Love the ratties!
I had a rat once, called him Radar - he liked to swing his tail in a circle any time you held him. :)

All of rats always swing their tail, why? Because they are trying to balance themselves, their tail is balance for them.. When, they walk on the very thin of something that they walk on it so their tail will move in right way to making them balance same like, "When a dog runs too fast, it will use it's tail to balance when he run a sharp curve so it won't fall" same with cheetah.

Same with Rat's tail is cooling them off if they get too hot, same with Elephant's ears cool them off.
There so cute, I think Lightning is my favorite... I have my first rat as of yesterday :) I didn't realize how affectionate they are...i've raised hampsters before, but rats are so much friendlier...

All of rats are my favorite as always. Aw, congrats for new rat that you first owned ;)

Cute ratties, they all gotten bigger. :)

Yeppers, they got bigger and bigger!

cute pictures!
My favorite is of Frisky standing up

Thanks! Yeah, it's so cute of her to standing up ;)

yeah cute ratties

i am not scare anymore YAYA lol oh yeah frisky is cute stand up

Good girl that you aren't scare anymore! Yeppers, she's so cute to doing that

Aw they are soo cute rats ! FYI, I am not crazy over rats since I hate their tails. Eeek ! It feels like a snake's. *shudders* Ohhh, yes I hate snakes, too. I only love the CUTE ones. I dunno why. LOL

Thank you but you can have a rat that is tailless which mean no tail at all ;)

Aww cute family u have, sweetheart! :)

*off topic* u know why dog chew? they need attention and cant be ignored.. my moms dog was given to my mom as the previous owner didnt have time for him as she go to work every day?? by the time she get home.. the house is a MESS! pee and poo everywhere.. alot of things chewed.. the previous owner was upset.. so she gave chico to my mom.. he was only 6 months old at that time- we toilet- trained him within 2 weeks and gave him alot of toys.. we played all times with him.. now he is very happy with his toys and play with us.. he still occasionally chew some stuffs like pens, kid's toys.. if we dont give him attention.. still tsk tsk at him.. LOL.. but thats ok.. cuz he is really good with kids and he love everyone... :)


yeppers, you got that right. All of animal will dare to do something to get people's attention so they will be happy to having their attention when they did something bad.
Cute but they carry diseases like harparvirus (sp?)..so
be careful..do you give them preventive medicine ?
just curious...:eek3:
Cute but they carry diseases like harparvirus (sp?)..so
be careful..do you give them preventive medicine ?
just curious...:eek3:

You decided too fast!

They don't have diseases, only common for rats' own diseases that other pets or we can't have from them. You only think of Sewer Rat, but honest with you they aren't dirty! They are VERY fussy to keeping themselves to be CLEAN, they are partly of cat! Enough with people obession with sewer rats, rats are VERY sweet and friendly than hamsters!
Cool pixes...nice meeting the Ratt Family! ::chuckles::

..umm...any chances that this family could get bigger...ya know, babies??? :D

Anyhow, keep enjoying their presence and taking good care of them as well as having a 'good' time with them all. ;) ~RR

Put your cats at his house. ;)
Ratties reminded me when i was young.. with two small kids... i got three gerbils and i did not know two were males.. they fought and one male won... other male lost his tail...I got scared and took him to vet... vet doctor laughed.. told me he cannot do nothing about it...i got embarassed... took him back home and seperated him from other male to othr tank...
You decided too fast!

They don't have diseases, only common for rats' own diseases that other pets or we can't have from them. You only think of Sewer Rat, but honest with you they aren't dirty! They are VERY fussy to keeping themselves to be CLEAN, they are partly of cat! Enough with people obession with sewer rats, rats are VERY sweet and friendly than hamsters!

Oh yeah, thats right..only wild rats like sewer or alley rats are the
carrier of diseases..eeks!
Oh your little rats are sooo cute, really! my son had gerbils when he
was a kid and he really loved them but one time one of them accidentally
got out and man, we practically tore up the house looking for that little
devil and then found him behind the China cabinet, i shooed him out with a
yard stick at one end of the cabinet so he got out at the other end
thats when my ex hubby caught it but the gerbil bit his hand real hard that
he shook it off and the gerbil flew across the room and my son ran and caught
it..it was a funny sight! lol!