ENDED: 2011 AllDeaf Winter Contest - WINNER SELECTED!

Yep! Sounds good to me.
Oh do I have to find each AD member and post (private message) with each member with how many posted etc?

Yea I figured it is a bit tough to explain! :)
LT, I think it was hard to explain the game. I'll try this way:
If you get TweetyBird to come AD and post here this topic, you will get 10 points. Tweetybird is 2003 member.

She hasn't posted after December-01 2010 last year so she is missing Old AD member.

The game is find as many Old AD member as you can and the most wins the prize. Online AD friend is OK. :)
like stalking those old aders whoever you used to know them and they dont come anymore. So thereofre, i let them know to come back to AD and have them say something in their posts? So what will they do if they didnt know what to say in alldeaf?

I'll stalking the hottie chicks to come back.... Then we'll have lot of chicks to score!
Oh do I have to find each AD member and post (private message) with each member with how many posted etc?

Yea I figured it is a bit tough to explain! :)

Nope you don't have to post the private message.
Tell your AD member to post anywhere on forum.
Tell them say you bring them back. :)
BREAKING NEWS::::::::::::::::::

Naisho = Postwhore.

Second breaking news:::::::::

I'm bringing someone back... that maybe not many here will enjoy.
I joined! :)

EDIT: And I messaged two members. I don't know if they can post here? Can they?

One member didn't want to do it, so I have an another member but she is not able to log in, due to issue something about code for login. She can't post a comment here.

So, that means I will look for an another member... (goes and searching)
I think i'd be the most hated member of AD if I brought back Nesmuth or Heath... :P
What about them.....*looks around* roadrunner? angel? cheri?

I think people would like me a lot better if I invited these people back. :D
Yeah! As if they would return, it would be welcoming.......
becuase it has been far too long for these well known AD'ers. :D