Funny, when I read the topic about "end of the world" I can only say it not the world it going to end. It the people who are the one ended the world due to war, bombs, nucluar bombs all due to hate. The world on earth didn't ask to be end, it the people who end each other lives. We live in a violent world with violent times. But the question is is, "When?" No-one really knows when the world ends. That's a toughie for a lot of people to know when.
Depends what kind of thing that causes our world to end. If it was a tsunami caused by a giant asteriod, I would be at the beach with my lover until the waves kill us. There's no way to go on higher ground right away because everyone's freaking out running for their lives.
Apparently the world ends in 2012. Google Nibiru 2012
that's if we invade North Korea or Iran or both.
ooh you're older than I thought!Pepsi said:Be with my children and grandchildren.
That 2012 date, isn't it theorized the poles of the earth would realign on another point in the earth, exposing the arctic and antarctic to near the equator causing major meltoff and higher ocean levels, etc?
Eventually we will all die out and the planet will be reduced to nothing, but it aint happening in 2012, if i had to guess id say the year 2450.