OMG!! I had a embarassing day today, but 7th was the worse. I couldn't sleep last night so I got out of bed at 2 00 am to take a sleeping pill..I had no idea that you weren't suposed to take it that late. So I went to bed and fell fast asleep. The next morning, I woke up at 7 30, and my ride was going to be here in less than 10 mintues!! The thing is, I couldn't get out of bed... so I missed 1st..who cares! I hate that class. The whole day I was seeing things, falling down,

falling asleep in class, etc. Then 7th came, my class went bowling, I had no idea. I thought it was going to be a long afternoon with running and push ups. So I walked 5 blocks up the road to the alley with my friends. Then started bowling, I was doing good, though I was falling asleep when other people went up to bowl. My turn came up again, and I dragged my feet to the balls. I felt sooo tired, thought I wouldn't even make it to the line. I started walking, then running to the line, holding the ball. Then I saw black! I forgot to let go of the ball and I went down the lane with the ball. The floor was oiled down, so I couldn't stop. Luckly, I stopped almost 1/2 way down and I realize I messed up big time. I started to stand up slowly and push the ball into the pins and walk back to my team. The whole alley was roaring with laugher.. 100 sudents "big, I know, but I live in Portland Or" and about 11 Old Retired People. Even they were laughing, I thought some would die of a heart attack. I was walking down, I thought nothing would happen, I was wrong. I lost my balance, and crashed to the floor.."I slipped on oil" The Laugher got louder and louder, I was soo embarrassed. I got up again and kinda slid down the lane. I grabbed my stuff and went up the stairs. The owner saw the whole thing and stopped me. He got into my face and said" Why did u do that! I could sue you!" I hate it when people get in my face. I pushed him away from me" Go ahead, Mother^&*(, It was all a fu*&ing accident" He walked back up to me and said "don't push me!" I looked at him and smiled, then pushed him. As I left the alley, he ran outside and yelled" don't ever come back!" I rasied my hand and flipped him off.

:fu2: Walking down the road, I was going to blow up anytime. I didn't even feel tired anymore..I dunno

whats going to happen tomorrow, but I hope no one brings it up.