

New Member
Aug 19, 2004
Reaction score
Which email service do you use and why? Does it have a lot of available space? Does it have great features? (If so, what?) Does it have the look you want?
How do you choose your email service?
It is a java-supported email so you can click on email and see it as a thread-- like Alldeaf! It also will give you a short summary of what the email said and show your reply to that email as well ... it kept the history of all emails you send to that person back and forth. THis way you dont have to figure out what did you say or what did s/he say by searching in the trash or old mail.
The space is not an quotient I am looking for-- easy to use is what I like. HOTMAIL rates the low on my list. It is difficult to work with!
Yahoo is not bad but after seeing GMAIL, I hesistantly switched over. and I am glad I made the switch.

PM me for an invite. :) You cannot just go to GMAIL and sign up-- you have to be INIVITED by a friend. (elite group, ooo)
I like Gmail account because it group with replies to one e-mail like conversation. And it notify me immediately than Yahoo e-mail.
Thanks for responding. I also use gmail, but I've used several over the years. I know people who prefer things like yahoo and such to gmail, so that's why I posted this. I'm curious why people prefer their email service.

gnarlydorkette said:
PM me for an invite. :) You cannot just go to GMAIL and sign up-- you have to be INIVITED by a friend. (elite group, ooo)
You can PM me, also. I have plenty that I keep trying to get rid of. ;)
I have Gmail, Yahoo, and Hotmail. Gmail seems to be the most reliable so far. Gmail lets me use POP and replies are all grouped together. :thumb:
I have hotmail, yahoo, Gmail, lyico, many etc. lol
I use yahoo and cablespeed e-mail, I use both the most. :)
I use Hotmail, Gmail and my ISP email (

Gmail is the BEST free email provider I've ever been with! So easy to use!

I got 50 invites!!
I use AOL, yahoo, hotmail, and gmail even my pager too :P

yeah I'm a email freak as well. ;)
Well, there is difference between 'use' and 'have' in my case..

'Have': I have Yahoo account but I never use it for email. I stopped using it.

'Use': I use Hotmail and Gmail (Thanks to Deaf258) and these accounts are open to the public. I also use one service-paid email address from our hosting server plus another email account from my cable service. These accounts aren't open to the public, only trusted friends & families to reduce the spams.

I tend to use the Hotmail for registering the accounts and such since hotmail have a 'good' if not poor filter to block the spams. I don't care about Hotmail so I often to use it to register at communities, sites, newsletters, etc etc...

Honestly, I didn't use the gmail that much but I start to like it...
i have 4 e mails.. one paid acct ofc keep the negtive outta her eok ? cuz im in dail up due to where i live isnt set up for DSL but will be prepped by may after alot of bitching happened here :-D moi the happy,... anyway back to point.. AOL e maikl one business one pleasure...

Gmail for my other forum and this forum.... and if anyone wants a invite contact me too :-D
and umm the other is my Sk pager i use all of those for purposes.

the yahoo and the MSN i use for messager only... and AIM and AOL for IMs too but still e mail rating for me ???
GMAIL stands out so far :D
hotmail - the address I give when I sign up for things.
yahoo plus - everyday email, and also my yahoo groups notifications. This account is recieved onto my Sidekick - my work email, also recieved on my sidekick - i have a few accounts for email related to my website. one of the accounts is also recieved on my sidekick.
yahoo for junk sign-ups
hotmail for messenger use
gmail for everything else

Another thing, Gmail is great for sending pictures, especially when you got a Sidekick2. It automatically adds all the sent pictures into a zipped file so you do not have to right-click-save each and every attached picture! Just download the zipped file!
Yahoo & ICQ mainly...
I have had yahoo since 02 so i am kinda in love with it... :)