Eloped ?

Endymion said:
Eloping is when you go to a shady place in Las Vegas only with your significant other. The empty-suit-on-duty says "I now pronounce thee husband and wife."

Then you are husband and wife. And the empty-suit-on-duty returns to down another bottle of Southern Comfort. ;)

Its not just Las Vegas. There are beautiful chapels from all over the country where they can be wed and just say "I do" without pressure.
RebelGirl said:
Its not just Las Vegas. There are beautiful chapels from all over the country where they can be wed and just say "I do" without pressure.

*laughs* You're right, of course. :) One or two of my cousins got eloped too and I remember the photos; the architecture around them was simply gorgeous!
Endymion said:
*laughs* You're right, of course. :) One or two of my cousins got eloped too and I remember the photos; the architecture around them was simply gorgeous!

There you go! ;)