elementary kid suspended just for long hair?...

I think the school administration is just looking for control in this situation. There's no need for that boy to cut his hair. It's just a long hair cut.

I think this has done more to that boy's self-esteem than any amount of teasing by his classmates. These are the people that are supposed to keep him confident, not cut him down!
The administration is afraid that the other boys will want to grow out their hair, too. It's the style for kids right now. If they grow their hair, when will it stop?!? /sarcasm

I agree with Berry. Teachers and administrators should be modeling tolerance. That's how kids learn--by watching adults model behavior. Glad that my kids don't go to this school.
If the teachers really wanted to stop people teasing or getting teased then they might try teaching that it is okay to be different in a country that is supposed to believe in an individuals freedom instead of instantly pointing out and punishing any child that shows the slightest difference.

I know every time I went to a new school none of the kids noticed or teased me about being left handed until some stupid teacher would make a big deal out of it and then the kids would start in.

Usually when a kid is picked on by other kids it is because some teacher literally said "sic em" to the other kids.

you know, teachers alway mention that peer pressure will keep kids at bay, but I think it is quite the opposite.

There are some private schools where they have a meeting where everyone talk about their issues with other kids in front of the class (I believe this is part of project Charlie????) is that even ok? I always thought confronting someone privately - especially with a teacher -- is the best thing to do because if people talk about other people front of the class, it make the students feel terrible about himself and that the whole world hates him. I don't know, and I don't even know this is even true because I heard this from someone else.
oh, In a way, I do agree that if one student does it, everyone else will too unless someone put a stop to it.

I'll tell you why. We had a bus driver who we thought was so cool and nice. one day, one of the student decided to sit on top of the seat. The bus driver saw it and said nothing about it. So we ALL decided to join it because it was fun. He saw and still said nothing about it. Well someone found out about it and he got fired the next day.

but as far as hair style, That's up to the parents to put a stop to it.