Eek! Family finds dead mouse in cheese

haha...hmm being lactose intolerant isn't so bad after all! hahha
put cheese in the mouse' hole, mouse will not notice the difference, end up mouse eat cheese and mouse.
thats not gross in any shape way or form. if any of you have ever had more than 100 cans of can food it is 110% likely that you just at a whole cochroach.At sleep the human body consumes 3-7 spiders a year (not a lifetime). did you know before the meat inspection act was passed by TR the meat was infested with dead rats, rat poison, and stale bread. all of this was ground up into ground beef. so just think about how clean that mouse is compared to the ground up rat poison, rats, and rotten stale moldy bread.
thats not gross in any shape way or form. if any of you have ever had more than 100 cans of can food it is 110% likely that you just at a whole cochroach.At sleep the human body consumes 3-7 spiders a year (not a lifetime). did you know before the meat inspection act was passed by TR the meat was infested with dead rats, rat poison, and stale bread. all of this was ground up into ground beef. so just think about how clean that mouse is compared to the ground up rat poison, rats, and rotten stale moldy bread.

yeah so? so i guess you dont eat anything except the mouse? :laugh2:
crap. many times i caught the bread that was stuck with dead cockroach or caught several dead bugs in food.

all i do is, to survive to eat it and TRY so hard not to image what the hell was inside the food. :thud: :shock:
Well, it look good. It was spot on Travel Channel - "Bizarre Foods with Andrew Zimmern"

Ohh, yes that show " Bizarre Foods with Andrew Zimmern " My boyfriend and I were watchin' that show last night --- oh, my goodness! That guy showed everythin' what he ate. * shudders *
That's so gross, thanks to god about not happen in our country.