whatdidyousay! said she celebrated Easter because her father grew up poor. Well, my grandmother survived the Holocaust and I don't celebrate Easter...? I think a "cultural thing" explanation would have been fine. I have a couple of Russian friends that open gifts on New Year's and they are Jewish - it's something their father wanted to keep. I have other Russian friends who don't give a stink about presents on New Year's. I was just asking.
If you aren't Jewish, it's hard for you to understand why some Jews don't do Christmas/Easter/secularized Christian holidays. I'm 100 per cent atheist and I send my son to Jewish school and there are no Easter bunnies here. So yes, it seems weird to me.
I'm not against Christian holidays. That would be silly. I do wonder why a minority of Jews decide to celebrate them, though.
Easter just seems to be the most weird, since that was traditionally a time of pogroms and anti-Semitic laws...Passion plays...Jews killed Jesus and that sort of thing.