ears hurting after a jog?


Active Member
May 26, 2006
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Yesterday i went for a brisk walk/ jog and after bout 5-10 min my ears were hurting..i had to take my ha out and i slowed it down to a fast pace walk...i didn't feel dizzy just my ears my ha one and my non-ha one were hurting alot.. Anyone ever had this or am i just really weird:dunno2:
Was it a first time jog? Was it your first time to wear hearing aids during a jog? Was the route you jogged new? There are a lot of factors that could be considered as the cause for your ear aches.

But then again, it could be random. (It's probably from something so small that it just happens.

I've had it happen to me, but I don't blame it on something I did recently. For instance, I'll be on the computer. I stretch my arms and suddenly... my left ear hurts. I wear a hearing aid in my left ear. Do I blame it on my left hearing aid or stretching my arms? No. I've always stretched my arms and have always wore a hearing aid in my left ear since I was little. So, I don't blame the problem on those two things. What might have happened was something I did earlier... slept on my ear wrong... poked a sensitive or bad spot in my ear with a Q-tip... hit my ear on something and don't remember what it was... anything.

But I'm not worried. It always goes away soon. If it doesn't, then I'll know something is wrong. :)
I think it can be a cause of the air pressure or ear infection. I suggest to see your doctor to make sure.

I don't know what is causing. :dunno2:
When I run or am active in the COLD weather it causes my ears to hurt due to I am breathing faster and more cold air is being inhaled.

Was it cold that day? Are you used to jogging everyday?
it wasn't cold..a bit chilly/breezy and i'm pretty active..im guessing it was maybe the cold cuz my ears were pretty cold...
sure...when air is damp it seems to carry something or is the cold and wet breezing as you run. can try earmuff band or tissue in ear.

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