earmold costs


Well-Known Member
May 17, 2005
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I'm annoyed that I just got charged $75 for a SINGLE earmold.. ONE! I'd expect that kind of price for a pair, but not just 1! Golly, my audie keeps bumping the earmold price up every year or 2, it's ridiculous. My last one cost $68 (which is still a lot). But $75, seriously? dude..... not cool!
it's plain stupid to charge so much for a single earmold. oy! Wyo-Medicaid doesn't cover earmolds either.
Thats exactly what I will be paying to pick my new ones up friday. I think its supply and demand and inflation. 75 for each of mine too, soft silicone =/
DDs are $60ea last time we got them and not covered by ins. They do have a 90 day warranty though, so since she's growing so quick, I get them checked before that and get them replaced if needed.
Mine are still covered by insurance (I think), and they were 80$ for the pair last time, I think. :D <3 Secondary coverage as a minor.
mine are 75 its annoying we need coverage but ya know its sad other ppl get coverage that dont need it like things we need(sighs):roll:
prices everywhere going up

Not inflation just increasing prices? Since 2004 my dollars have been noticably going less far. I think we should have a turn back the dial day here in the US.
A reset day on June 15th, 2010 where all prices for everything, everything are reset to the price they were on June 15th, 2003. This includes all tax assessments for property taxes. Housing prices, everything. Prices for all services, wages, farm goods, all of it, everything. National Reset Day.
Not inflation just increasing prices? Since 2004 my dollars have been noticably going less far. I think we should have a turn back the dial day here in the US.
A reset day on June 15th, 2010 where all prices for everything, everything are reset to the price they were on June 15th, 2003. This includes all tax assessments for property taxes. Housing prices, everything. Prices for all services, wages, farm goods, all of it, everything. National Reset Day.

In economics, inflation is a rise in the general level of prices of goods and services in an economy over a period of time.

thats what inflation is, its increasing prices over time.
why does the price on things have to increase over time? insanity!
I agree cost is high but let's see some of the reasons for the high costs. First how long does it take to make the impression? Then it gets sent off usually to be made by someone or one's. then sent back. material costs, mostly small I would guess. Then they are delivered to audi or direct to you. Now all these involved have most likely received increases in wages over last few years? Same people, same product, same time involved but more more money. If we had increased productivity you most likely would not see increase in cost. When one looks at our seeming correct concept, if lower paid get 5% raise then those in middle and top also get 5% . All well and good except that 5% of $1 is a lot let money than 5% of $100 . So as the saying goes, it take money to make money or the rich get richer and the poorer get poorer. Unfortunately we seem to accept that and we should get more $ for no increase in productivity. Or to take lessons from the current administration, we should take from those that have and give to those that have not. Therefor removing any incentitive to produce or work. Of coure we do not take from adminstration where over half are millionares and don't have to live under the same rules and the rest of us. Ok I'll shut up. I should never get started on these subjects.
I picked up a new earmold yesterday and it ended up being free because the guy who makes them is shutting down his business and needed to use up materials and stuff anyway. I was talking to my audi about prices too and now it is $130 PER mold with her company. That is $260 a pair!!! I mentioned how insane this was and she said she has no control, which I totally understand because she works for a large company. She then gave me permission to go elsewhere for my molds next time and even went as far as telling me where is good to go! So I guess I will stick with my audi for hearing aid things but I will need to find a new place for molds because $260...that is absolutely ridiculous!
Wish you all had free earmoulds and hearing aids like over here in England

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