Ear wax

Some Audiologist have ear wax cleaning machine that have tube that sprays warm or a little hot water (hot enough to melt the wax but doesn't hurt your ear canal). It's like a very fine water spray and they put towel on side of your head and bend side of your head down a bit and he put water spray tube to clean out wax. My wife had her ear wax cleaned out by audie before having earmold made. She love it.

Back in 70's my mom use WaterPik teeth/gum cleaner to clean wax out of my ear. She turn it all the way down to lowest setting and pour the tank with meduim-hot water and on the end of tip (exchangeable tip) into my ear (just very close outside of ear canal). She put towel on edge of sink and put my head halfway down and turned on, it felt like water "jackhammer" but doesn't hurt my ear. I had to tell my mom if it's hitting my eardrum, I turned my head a bit so it can hit the wall of ear canal. Many times I had big chunk of wax fell into sink if I haven't had my ear canal cleaned for 6 months.

Later when I was old enough to use WaterPik machine and I usually let jet of water spray near eardrum when I feel it. It felt so good (akin to itching) and wax fell out.

Today, I don't have Water Pik machine, My parent still have them and it's very old but still works!! Wow.

I'm not so sure about squirting water into my ears. Seems like a good way to end up with an ear infection. Hearing aids, for me, seem to push the wax into the ear deeper so that eventually i need to get me ears clean. Although olive oil may loosen the wax it sounds like I still would need to flush out the ears with water. How do you really know you got the wax out? Better yet how do you really know you NEED to get the wax out?
I'm not so sure about squirting water into my ears. Seems like a good way to end up with an ear infection. Hearing aids, for me, seem to push the wax into the ear deeper so that eventually i need to get me ears clean. Although olive oil may loosen the wax it sounds like I still would need to flush out the ears with water. How do you really know you got the wax out? Better yet how do you really know you NEED to get the wax out?

I've used Hydrogen Peroxide ear dropper (you can buy it from Pharmacy) and it loosens up ear wax well and also kills infection (I like hearing "bubbling" sensation). When you put several drops in (per instruction) and plug it with cotton. Just lay on one side to keep liquid in your ear for 15 min then go to sink and fill the bulb with water and squirt several times. It doesn't hurt your ear at all but make your ear feel clean!

I don't seem to get ear wax, more like ear secretion, clear wet stuff that dries crusty. I heard once the First Nations and Orientals get this minimal clear 'wax' while the rest of ya get the orange thicker wax. I am part native and do get the clear minimal wax...think there is any truth to this statement?

I had always wondered about that, cos I tend to get minimal clear 'wax' as opposed to the orangey stuff. I'm of a mixed race, half Indian and rest European. The Audi and ENT doc always remarked that I don't look Indian but the wax refutes that. Give me clear wax over orange wax anyday :-o

The ENT doc has said there's may be something in your statement but has not seen any anecdotal evidence to support this. She has remarked that in most Caucasians tend to have the orangey stuff and Far east and Indians have the white stuff - could be related to temperatures/environment they live in.