Ear molds -- how much $$


New Member
Aug 10, 2012
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I do mine through the mail, but I think I'm going to get a new set at the audi since she should have more options available (those curved ones look awesome). I thought it would be good to have a back-up set.

So, how much did your molds cost?
I'll find out today as I'm going later to get my impressions done. In the past they've been $75 each. Though I probably don't need to get my left one now as I had to get it redone because of a crack in it therefore it's not as old as the other one, I will get both done so that my total bill, which will include the new Phonak RemoteMic will allow me to use my CareCredit card (no interest if paid withing xx months).
That's a good plan about getting both done to use your card, LoveBlue.
I pay £34 each which works out at US$56 each and C$53 each.
They usually cost me $240 for a pair, not exactly cheap
Well, had to put my impressions on hold. Have impacted earwax in one ear - again. :(
Luckily I was able to get a quick appt with my ENT's Physician Assistant for Friday. I rescheduled my impression for next week.
I had just assumed that the $55 I spent via mail was on the high end. I guess I'll email my audi and see how much she charges. Thanks :)