Hi Everyone
Since Im new here Im not sure where the best place to post this issue about ,, but this thread looks like it might work

( read Vamps request about starting new threads)
I am beyond irritated about this captioning issue. I rent DVD's for my sons and we never know if its going to be captioned at all .. and if it is will it be English or just Spanish! *sigh* He likes having Spanish on opposed to nothing.. even though he cant understand it. Thats sad. I feel so guilty when I Cant take the time to sit and interpret the movie for him. They all should be captioned PERIOD.
From what you've described, it sounds like you're talking about subtitles, not closed captioning. Big difference, captioning decoders are built in all of the TVs that are bigger than 13 inches (screen). But subtitles are on the DVDs, not TV sets.
It sounds like you don't get closed captioning at all. Most DVDs out today are captioned. Most movies are captioned, and many are subtitled for the deaf too. It may be your DVD player that is blocking the CC signals.
Anyway, if you want to check if a movie is captioned or not... check the DVD case before renting it. They often have symbols on it.
Also is there a list of movies that are put out on DVD captioned?
Elf wasnt.
Elf is not subtitled in English, but it is enabled for closed captioning. I know because I own a copy of it. It's definitely the DVD player that is giving you the problem, not the movies.
Trust me, I know it is.