Originally posted by VamPyroX
I wouldn't care if they copied the game. In fact, everything should be like in Star Trek... FREE! In the Star Trek universe, you are not labeled by how much money you have or make, but who you are and what you do.
I don't think you quite understood what I meant. I was saying that you WOULD not like it if people were stealing your copyrighted properties.
How would you like it if somebody copied a book you wrote and sold it as if it was their own book?
Same with the paintings, music, movies, and many more.
Even if you don't care if they do that to you, the MAJORITY of artists does care. You have to understand that, because it is stealing!
Artists use these properties as their INCOME.
Is that so hard for you to understand?
Anybody who download music and don't pay do not appericate arts and they take it for granted.
They are thieves, period! Even if that person is a honour student at a high school.
Now, you said...
In fact, everything should be like in Star Trek... FREE!
They may not have money but they do have credits. If you actually think it's a good idea for everything to be free. You'll be surprised to see how stupid it was of you to say that. If everything was free, then... nobody would be working. That means there'll be no products to get since nobody would be working because everything is free!
I don't think people would work for free.
I think that's why they have credits, so people can collect them by working and buy something with the earned credits.
you are not labeled by how much money you have or make, but who you are and what you do.
"Who you are and what you do"
I would say this to a person who download copyrighted properties without paying for them...
"You are a thief and you steal other people's copyrighted properties." That's a label people can get slammed with. Not exactly a good label to be proud of.
People should treat other people with respect by PAYING for their copyrighted properties rather than stealing them.