This is the best topic of all-time at I loved to read it! That make me
laugh out loud!
Anyways, at my old house, when I was kid, I flushed for my dad's with big one of brown
from his organic because he forget to flush, I decided to flush it.
I flush for him. Then I flush it, and the toilet got overflown on the floor at bathroom. I say, "What?! Aaah!"I got away from bathroom too fast because
it may made me embrassed!
While the water got flooded all over the toilet in bathroom,
few seconds later, the water got hit the other room-- hallway,
I didn't know my dad were squint at me. Why he did squint at me...
just for something wrong?
At this second time after days later at my old house.
My dad was mad at me was
at me,
it his face of the emotion while his face
was furious or
it seems not approriate for doing wrong.
Because it was messed up all over on the floor in bathroom. My dad don't
like that. I don't want to my dad's pissed off, or he would been should
spank at me!
I am anti-spanking that make me cry too much when I kid. Do you agree it was against
the law for spanking? I think that something depends on the situations
would be legal or illegal. It would nice if
it would illegal to spank his/her kids! That would be awesome for not spanking.
Then it was after that, I learned my own lesson, next time, I ask my mom or dad for permission before flushing because may be overflown.
I want to tell you, bit a off-topic: We got a new carpet at the bathroom at about year in 1992-1993, after my parents were splitting.
We got it covered the carpet. We installed it so I don't like that!
Why it putting the carpet on the bathroom. It's ridiculous. Maybe my mom
said something looks nice or beautiful room, huh?
At the year 2001-2002, my stepdad & my mom decided to rid of the carpet!
I am glad, I am not worrying about without a carpet! Also, my new house in our apartment that they didn't have a carpet in the bathroom, whew! I hate when someone have a carpet in the bathroom! That make me risky/anxious to be getting punished. I has been
no longer to have a carpet in my bathroom!