I think it's really stupid. Who is going to take care of the 19 children if she dies from having another??
That is another good point you've brought up. I really don't see Jim Bob taking over the motherly role. I think the older girls already given charge of the toddlers and younger children.
YUP which is why it's easy for her to continue what shes doing-- she doesn't actually take care of the littlest ones, the older sibilings do... she just oversees everything... but when you've got enough kids to run a small country why keep risking your health to have more?? They're taking the 'sex for procreation' to extreme...
I will say I dont see them as turning into welfare kids as they do work hard, and aren't afraid of working-- and other than the TV series, they don't get outside assistance now-- with the exception of the excessive reproducing I think they've been taught some valuble lessons on how to save and make their own way in life... (my bff is morbidly facinated by their story--so I've heard all the stuff on them LOL)
I will say this much, if any of the children run for political office, I WILL NOT vote for them. I don't think we need a repeat to a 2nd generation of Duggars.
I must agree with that!! (Granted you have a higher chance of them running there than I do...I still wouldn't vote for them!!) I think you need a little world knowledge via experience to be an effective [fill in the political blank ... comgressman, representative etc.]
What world knowledge they have is derived from a limited number of books and limited amounts of time on the Internet. Beyond that I doubt they will have any worldly knowledge and/or experiences until they move out on their own.
Are the girls allowed to pursue an education beyond high school?
I think they will stop when the mother is unable to get pregnant anymore.
I think that too, when the mother is no longer able to get pregnant she will stop. And I hope that happen really soon! I think it is sicken how many kids they have. If everyone in the world were to have as many kids as the Duggers do we would end up not having enough room for everyone to live . We would way over populated.
It is their choice to have many kids....Michelle said she don't think she'll have any more cuz of her uterus is getting old....and she could loose more babies. I do sure hope so for her health's sake.
I remember saying I would never have children. Made a mistake and got pregnant at, 16, and gave him up for adoption. Then got married to a guy who wanted 5 kids. We had 2 and I told him he could have the rest. We still have just the 2.
I could never do what the Duggars did. That's just too much in my opinion.
Let it just be a known fact that the Duggars will continue to procreate at an above average rate, therefore contributing to the global overpopulation crisis. Eventually Michelle Duggar will refuse to acknowledge medical advise and will eventually render herself completely unable to sustain life, therefore she will be placing a tremendous burden upon her body and she will find herself in critical condition during labor and may very well possibly find herself in the state mortuary.