Drunk Squirrel

That's so interesting, Vampy! I learned something new that you just mentioned! We have an apple tree in our back yard...my dog LOVES apples! So I'll watch out for old apples and need clear them out before my dog eat it! :lol:
Thanks for explaining this! :thumb:

Nope, the pumpkins were fermented. When certain fruits are fermented, they develop an alcohol effect.

I learned this in a wine class I took last quarter.

There has been cases where animals have gotten drunk from eating fermented fruits laying around... such as apple trees, grape vines, etc.

In this case, the pumpkin was "old" and had fermented to a point where it becomes alcohol. When this squirrel ate the pumpkin, it became drunk. It wasn't a cruel joke nor was the squirrel abused in any way.
Nope, the pumpkins were fermented. When certain fruits are fermented, they develop an alcohol effect.

I learned this in a wine class I took last quarter.

There has been cases where animals have gotten drunk from eating fermented fruits laying around... such as apple trees, grape vines, etc.

In this case, the pumpkin was "old" and had fermented to a point where it becomes alcohol. When this squirrel ate the pumpkin, it became drunk. It wasn't a cruel joke nor was the squirrel abused in any way.

I hope u right but I do like to know if that is so cuz that look bad to me cuz if that Squirrel might have health plms??? Could his brain having damage or something?? How can u know that...did that owner really saw what Squirrel ate it?? That is what I like to know... I feel bad for poor thing but thought that was funny but still... I feel funny abt it.. I hope I am wrong! I could have caught it and take it to the vet to have it check to be sure it was ok cuz of that food could have harmful to them u know???? Of course I am not expert lol...but still...
LOL that funny.

Hey vampy right about the fruit. Bye you know we didnt realized it til it too late after the animals eat it. Sometimes I left my pumpkin sit out too long and I knew it was time to get rid of it. So I did.

One time when I was little, my cousin and her parent were watching tv. We all laughed cuz the giraffe ate teh fermanted fruit and sure they were acting a drunk but it was funny as hell. The animals dont know about it til too late cuz the fruit taste so good for them.
I hope u right but I do like to know if that is so cuz that look bad to me cuz if that Squirrel might have health plms??? Could his brain having damage or something?? How can u know that...did that owner really saw what Squirrel ate it?? That is what I like to know... I feel bad for poor thing but thought that was funny but still... I feel funny abt it.. I hope I am wrong! I could have caught it and take it to the vet to have it check to be sure it was ok cuz of that food could have harmful to them u know???? Of course I am not expert lol...but still...
You could try taking the squirrel to the vet, but you would be risking rabies.

As for "brain damage", it's like people... when people are drunk, they do weird and unusual things. They can't walk straight. They have a hard time paying attention. Just because people do that doesn't mean they're suffering brain damage. Sure, if you drink too much alcohol... you lose a brain cell or two... out of millions and millions of brain cells. The same goes for animals. They like us and suffer the same consequences as we do.
You could try taking the squirrel to the vet, but you would be risking rabies.

As for "brain damage", it's like people... when people are drunk, they do weird and unusual things. They can't walk straight. They have a hard time paying attention. Just because people do that doesn't mean they're suffering brain damage. Sure, if you drink too much alcohol... you lose a brain cell or two... out of millions and millions of brain cells. The same goes for animals. They like us and suffer the same consequences as we do.

LOL nah, only use a box or something to cover it... but not me, only vet or someone can from animals control do that anyway.... to come and get it, simple! However, since I did not know much abt food that could have that to animals... after had read some of other forums here.. that something new to me, tho... since I have never seen one before in my life which was really got me surrpsied to see that and I though someone left beer or just simple that animal have maybe rabies or something like that! LOL know I mean... but thanks Vamp.. Just that I was kind of upset to see poor thing! But funny...geez poor little maybe getting headaches next day? lol