Driving Distractions - Your Perception


If You Know What I Mean
Premium Member
Apr 27, 2007
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You think driving while yapping on cellphone is the worst distraction? let's see....




Do you agree??? :hmm: For me - my major distraction on motorcycle is "Checking out other drivers" except it's not drivers. I commute down West Side Highway everyday and there is a jogging path on that side...... you figure it out :naughty:
For DB ADers -

1st pix - title of this survey - By The Numbers. A survey by AAA of 2,501 people ages 16 and older released in July showed:

35% report driving feels less safe today than five years ago
31% cite distracted driving as the rason
21% admit to texting while driving
90% rate people driving after drinking alcohol as a serious threat to their safety
87% rate drivers text messaging or e-mailing as a very serious threat
95% say texting while driving is completely or somewhat unacceptable

2nd pix - it's a pie graph. title: Distracted Drivers. In a survey of more than 3,000 drivers released last month, LeaseTrader.com asked drivers to list the top three most dangerous driving distractions. Here's a look at the participants' answers.

18.3% road rage frustrations
14.7 eating/drinking
10.9% checking out other drivers
9.8% kids in car
9.5% other passenger conversations
9.3% reading paper
7.6% texting
7.1% messing with radio
4.2% navigation
4% avoiding inclement weather
3.2% shaving
1.4% other

26.3% kids in car
16.6% putting on make-up
10.4% messing with radio
9.5% navigation
8.4% avoiding inclement weather
7.1% other passengers in vehicle
6.8% eating/drinking
4.2% texting
3.1% reading
2.7% other
2.5% in-car video
2.5% road rage
lol Yea, I do agree with women rate "kids in the car" especially when the kids are infants/toddlers.
I have seen people simutaneously on cell phones and smoking cigs while driving, using only the heel of one hand to steer. Where is that category?
I have seen people simutaneously on cell phones and smoking cigs while driving, using only the heel of one hand to steer. Where is that category?

i guess "other"
I noticed that women don't check out other drivers. I am glad I don't put makeup on while driving, so I have time to check out other drivers.
Texting while driving is extremely dangerous. You shouldn't be taking your eyes of the road for such a long period of time.
How about deaf drivers who sign to other deaf drivers in a different car and steer with their knees.

How about deaf drivers who sign to other deaf drivers in a different car and steer with their knees.


I would say "checking out other drivers" :lol:
What about using this, and there are several models being advertised:


Picture of a laptop computer, mounted over the front of a steering wheel of a car, by use of a special bracket designed for such use.
On our way to dinner this evening, my son did see someone on their laptop while driving. He was right behind the lady taking off pantyhose while driving.
If drivers cannot simply drive safely and avoiding doing who knows what while driving, then sounds like it is time to create auto-pilot-driver cars for safety sake. Or something better for the future. Any ideas?