Honestly, to those people who are, were, and will be drunk drivers. There's only one problem with you girls, and that's thinking. Those who ended up in ER tells me things like "I wasn't thinking, I just wanted to go home."
You see, I've lived almost all my life in Northern California where DUIs happens EVERYDAY. Especially, Chico, CA, wacked place to live, the laws were getting more and more strict. Cause people died almost everyday back then due to DUI, WUI, SUI, TUI, and DWI.
DUI - Driving under influence
WUI - Walking under influence
SUI - Studying under influence
TUI - Tubing under influence
DWI - Driving with influence
Any of you get one of those ends up in jail for a night. There was a time where they had this summerfest tubing at the Sacramento River, the crew from Girls gone Wild came and filmed everyone. Not only that, in the river, there were around 10,000 people and several of them has drowned. 33,000 came to the summerfest and trashed the whole river with cans, bottles, and butts. We had to fish people out of the river for there weren't only one dead body.
Over 200 years ago, we forbid alochol until the tax system started. Today, because of the tax system, beers are cheaper to buy and stronger to get buzz. Also, marijuana is much better and easily controlled, but not the encomoy since it is growable.
The mother must live or the kids will live much harder without guidance. I will pray for guidance to the mother for she should find a way back.