I'M BACK!!!!!!!!!
Thank you everyone for wish me good luck and your concern.
It's not very easy with the staff from US Airway in Frankfurt... Before that, I made double check via Fax with American Embassy in Munich. They faxed me with list what I can do or not etc. I brought their fax with me for case if I might get the problem from US Airway.
Unfortunlately I got the problem from them thru their a lot of questions. All what I do is answer their questions and then look from my head to feet after check my passport... and put red stamp
"it's something do with warning signal" on back of my passport. If there're green stamp then is okay..., not red stamp... I was like what... Do I look like terrorist or what, I wonder to myself...
A staff told me to not worry about red stamp and accompanied me to waiting room to get plane to arrive Philadephia. I arrived Philadelphia, Pennsylvania safety. I got the problem from the security staff again because of "red stamp" on back of my passport and then asked me for visa. I was like Huh? and explain him accord American Embassy that I need to fill out the visa paper here in Airport. He gave me the visa form to fill out and realized that they need DreamDeaf's home address where I should stay with. I don't have her address and phone number with me... I told him that I didn't know that DreamDeaf's address is necassary to be fill out on the visa form. He sent me to Security Office to straight out... He explained in unfriendly way that I have to return to Germany unless I give them DreamDeaf's address. I ignored his unfriendly remark and explained them calmly that nobody in American Embassy told me to bring the address where I should stay in and show them their fax... He were like
after read their fax and told me to wait moment then they need to check with their supersivor first with the fax of American Embassy. The supersivor (lady) came to me and questioned me... Is it my first time in USA and what's reason I'm in USA for....etc... I repeat to answer her question that I will be bridesmaid at Angel & Roadrunner's wedding. She need their invitation card... I don't have their invitation card with me either...
She is a friendly lady, not as man who tried to upset me for sent me back to Germany. She said that they need Angel & Roadrunner's full name and which church and state ... date and time...etc.. I gave them what they need except street... They are satisfied with my detail of Angel & Roadrunner and let me go.... *phew* She accompanied me to other plane to arrive St. Louis. I thanked her for "save my life" and straight out then let me go.
Unfortunlately one hour delay due plane's wing defect. We got another plane to arrive St. Louis. I arrived St. Louis and was about pick my case up but my case is not there... I went to US Airway informtion center with the passengars. They need DreamDeaf's address... *sigh*... I told them that I need to go out of way to meet her to get her address... Suddenly one passengar who can do with ASL, came to me for the help. I told her that I know a little of ASL... All what I do is watch her lipread... No problem... I suggest her that I can bring DreamDeaf with me in US Airway office to fill out her address to get my case... A lady said that HERE IS WAY OUT then I can meet DreamDeaf here somewhere... I was like
because I thought I would find "WAY OUT" to meet DreamDeaf and MizzDeaf there after pick up case...which is easier... It took us long ages to look them everywhere until we found them at last!!!!!! *phew* We
each other and then went back to US Airway office to fill out her home address for pick my case... We thanked a lady for help me to look for them...
After dinner, we just arrived DreamDeaf's and MizzDeaf's house - their 5 big cats (large size than Yorkshire terror) are on their way to greet us... and then VP with Peachy Lady and then email to let my hubby know that I arrived USA safety.
I was not realized that it's very complication to deal with US Airway like this. *phew*
For go back to Germany - I got Angel & Roadrunner's home address and phone number for case if they need their address before let me go back to Germany.
Unfortunlately my case is over limit - very heavy...
I brought things from USA to add in my case... I have to pay extra for over limit. Oh Well... A lady explained that it would be no problem if I have 2 cases instead of 1 case. I thanked her and will remember next time. She allowed Angel & Roadrunner to accompany me in Security gate...
.... Surprised, the Security Officer removed 2 small bottle of water from my handbag...
(I have no problem with Security officer for brought bottle of water as I was on the way to Philadelphia... I can understand that Cleveland and Philadelphia Airport are not the same. I'm happy to have Angel & Roadrunner as company... We chatted until a lady accompanied me in the plane... It's very very very hard to say goodbye to Angel & Roadrunner. We
each other... It's hurt...
I arrived Germany with no complication from US Airway... Just 2 hours delay in Philadelphia Airport for take me back to Frankfurt then Nuermberg. My hubby greeted me from Airport and said that I lost some weight... I was like Huh? because I ate real A LOT when I was in USA... I expect that my weight should be gain few pounds... On next day (this morning) I check with my weight... It says that I lose 3 pounds...
*scratch my head*
I missed ADers terrible... It's really fun to have them around... I will make further posts in other threads what I thought about them and whom I met etc. and then create a new thread later.