doorbell - phone - pager


New Member
Jul 2, 2003
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ok i know the alertmaster has a model, but i dont care for alertmaster, they seem to be like 10 years behind in looks and quality

i got the pager they have for the doorbell (but no phone :( ) but the thing was huge and bulky so i sent it back, als had this odd wire that just hung out, yuck

anything knew for that line, i mean im all over the house and someone comes to the door id like to know ya dig?
new model: Sonic Alert Doorbell 100

uhh no thats not right at all, thats just a doorbell with a wireless attachetd thing for a lamp or something
uhmm Weekend -- interesting -- i didnt realize there was a new sonic alert model for the doorbell

ive also wondered what abt the KNOCKER alerts qq cuz this house is not doorbell equipped and only has a knocker -- does anyone know of any wireless door knocker alert thingies without having to use wires (either plug in or hardwire) and can alert anywhere in the house without it being limited to ONLY at the door or near the door qq
I had alertmaster thingy but it is not working anymore.... part of it work but not use it because my apartment is small, not need extra so... I had new phone SONIC thing for phone line. I had door SONIC, too. I never use them. :D Only Alertmaster I had is now and not working. :Oops:
I purchased an Alertmaster Combo and AM-6000 in different time (three and two years ago). I set an alert clock for "flashing" to see if it works. The light went off and on, then I pressed reset. It looks good to me.

I went to bed at night and hoped that it will wake me up next day for my work. The "flashing light" set off in ten minutes. I woke up at night and thought that I would have set up the wrong way. I reset it. Went to bed. Another ten minutes, it came back again. I read the manual again, and could not find anything to solve the problem. (I do not remember if I turned it off after I went to bed.)

Next day, I went to work. My neighbors saw "flashing lights" from my windows every ten minutes - all day. I got home from work. They told me that they almost called the fire department - because they do not hear a siren fire alert or a strobe light signal. I was so pissed off. I wrote my three friendly e-letters to the company about the problem. They said that they will report it to the team work. After two years later, I purchased another one. It is exact the same problem.

So, I took the devices to my parent's house in the woods. Their cell phone does not work in the area. That's a good spot for me to test my devices. The devices came back the old problem.

I switched it off for flash-time clock. I only use it for doorbell and telephone. That's it. I would never buy any product from this company. Believe me, they have no respect for us. Even, I called and asked the company who is the president of the company so that I would write a letter to him/her about my situation. They refused to reveal it. I cannot believe it. That's it.
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I have a dooralarm with lights from NuTone....Just thought I'll mention this. :dunno:
Same as SilenceGold's too

Landlord order and gave me the new NuTone wireless doorbell with a strobe light. so I changed the fregency codes cuz of same model of NuTone in other apt unit.
I know one new product that will do all: clock, wake-up alert, fire alert, doorknock, telephone ring and weather warning.

I hope it would be wireless since I dislike wire - too hassel. lol
EDGE said:
I know one new product that will do all: clock, wake-up alert, fire alert, doorknock, telephone ring and weather warning.

I hope it would be wireless since I dislike wire - too hassel. lol

what is it
MIne is boomer box alarm clock. And I had it for since 1998. Still no problem! We have another clock but I am not sure who makes this which my bf use (he don't use vibrate or flash light). He just wanted to look at the time when he need to get up. I am the one is his 'alarm clock'. LOL

We have doorbell/phone flash but it is homemade. We don't use phone anymore. So just doorbell. :)
weekend said:
new model: Sonic Alert Doorbell 100

I have that and the department of Service for the deaf and hard of hearing gave it to me since I filled out a application and got everything free, tty/alarm/doorbell and etc..... You might want to contact department of service for the deaf and hard of hearing in your state to see if you can fill out the application!! good luck! :)
Soonersseth said:
what is it

I dunno, all I know it's similar to KA300. instead... it's alarm clock with everything like AlertMaster. *shurg*