I purchased an Alertmaster Combo and AM-6000 in different time (three and two years ago). I set an alert clock for "flashing" to see if it works. The light went off and on, then I pressed reset. It looks good to me.
I went to bed at night and hoped that it will wake me up next day for my work. The "flashing light" set off in ten minutes. I woke up at night and thought that I would have set up the wrong way. I reset it. Went to bed. Another ten minutes, it came back again. I read the manual again, and could not find anything to solve the problem. (I do not remember if I turned it off after I went to bed.)
Next day, I went to work. My neighbors saw "flashing lights" from my windows every ten minutes - all day. I got home from work. They told me that they almost called the fire department - because they do not hear a siren fire alert or a strobe light signal. I was so pissed off. I wrote my three friendly e-letters to the company about the problem. They said that they will report it to the team work. After two years later, I purchased another one. It is exact the same problem.
So, I took the devices to my parent's house in the woods. Their cell phone does not work in the area. That's a good spot for me to test my devices. The devices came back the old problem.
I switched it off for flash-time clock. I only use it for doorbell and telephone. That's it. I would never buy any product from this company. Believe me, they have no respect for us. Even, I called and asked the company who is the president of the company so that I would write a letter to him/her about my situation. They refused to reveal it. I cannot believe it. That's it.