Don't you wish..


New Member
Nov 5, 2006
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that you have a closer audiologist who can do mapping. I hate driving 3 hours just for mapping.

I think we need to speak up on this because of growing number of people getting CI.
that you have a closer audiologist who can do mapping. I hate driving 3 hours just for mapping.

I think we need to speak up on this because of growing number of people getting CI.
I agree. Here in Norway mapping is done only in Oslo (for children) which can be a 1 to 3 hour flight... (driving is out of the question)

I thought of doing it myself.... but that seems to be a bit ambitious... LOL
you just made me appreciate driving 3 hours, hehe. Sorry that you have to go so far away. I hope they will build more clinics closer to your home soon.
Wow! You guys make me feel spoiled! I live 1 minute from the highway. The audi is three exits down the road. I guess that is another advantage of living in a city where there are three oral schools and a very good ssd.
We have a lot of audiologists in our city (yes, I live a city but it is not a major city) but none of them can do mapping. I feel they should be train how to do mapping.
I live only fifteen minutes from the school where I get my maps...Wow, I'm lucky I don't have to fly or drive three hours!
My audiologist who does my mappings is across town, we either have to take the bus or use Medicaid transportation. I wish she was closer like maybe downtown or even in my neighborhood. (Medicaid transportation really sucks and it takes over an hour each way on the buses). Oh well, I still am gonna go to her because she signs.
I wished I could take a bus. it is really boring to drive for 3 hours. *yawn* My husband can't go with me because he have to work AND my son have school so it is really boring when you driving without company.
My audie lives over on the mainland, and since I'm on an island, I either have to take a ferry (1 1/2 hrs) and then drive to the hospital (45 mins) or fly (which is very expensive). Either way it costs time and money.
Fyborg, I guess you go to SJ for mapping? We use CID. Its about the same amount of time as yours. As I said, there are advantages to living in a city with 3 oral schools.
I feel very fortunate! We have a 45 minute drive from home... but it is only 15 minutes from my office. So I just meet my husband and Erin at the audi's office.

This explains why they looked at me funny when I asked if there was an option closer to home.
Fyborg, I guess you go to SJ for mapping? We use CID. Its about the same amount of time as yours. As I said, there are advantages to living in a city with 3 oral schools.

Yeah, I go to SJ...I know how fortunate I am to live close to SJ!
I have two CI centers within driving distance of my home. One of them is located 5 minutes away by car. The other is 5-10 minutes away by car and 30 minutes away by public transportation. If either of these CI centers closed, I could drive one hour south to reach another CI center.

Hear Again

Left ear - Nucleus 24 Contour Advance with 3G
Implanted: 12/22/04 Activated: 1/18/05

Right ear - Nucleus Freedom
Implanted: 2/1/06 Activated: 3/1/06
You're lucky. I wish my CI clinic was within walking distance.

I have two CI centers within driving distance of my home. One of them is located 5 minutes away by car. The other is 5-10 minutes away by car and 30 minutes away by public transportation. If either of these CI centers closed, I could drive one hour south to reach another CI center.
wow, you all must live in or near Major cities. I don't think I would ever live in huge city though. I like my hometown.
15 to 30 mins drive to hearing & speech center from my home. If no car, then an hour on the bus.
I live north of the city and I have to leave an hour before my appointment and I go by the city bus or pedal my bike to the center(it double as my work out :D )
I'm fortunate. It only takes me about 45 minutes to get to my center. I can't complain now that I only go for yearly appointments for my remaps.

Ephesians - I wouldn't call Raleigh NC a big city but it is a nice healthy mid sized city that is growing by leaps and bounds. It isn't too bad yet. Probably in two decades it will be a big city and I will be retired around that time anyway (I would only move a little further out than where I'm at now). There are advantages to living near where everything is as opposed to going through what you probably have to deal with. I admit you probably have a great quality of life without all the traffic, congestion, and other issues.
that's what we are, a mid - sized city and I am happy where I am. I don't think this city will get any bigger though because of the mountains surrounding it. I was born and raised in Appalachian Valley (it is near the city where I currently living) so I hate to leave it for a bigger city. I will just stick with the three hour drive.