Don't You Hate it When People Assume That Since You Have H.A.'s You Hear Perfectly?

If a person gets me mad enough and tells me to turn up my aids I sometimes respond by saying. "my aids are made to filter out background noise and obviously perceives you as just that."
My parents weren't force me to wear hearing aids. They knew the hearing aids doesn't help me as well. I suppose to get CI when I was kid. I was afraid of surgery and hospital stuff. I had to wear HA at school because of teachers need me to wear them. I usually don't wear HA at home when I was kid.

I can't stand what my second cousin think. She has deaf son with bilateral CI. He can speak on cellphone very well. She can't wait for me to speak on cellphone when I receive my hook it on next week. I told her I will not able to understand the cellphone for a while. I have to take a speech therapy and need to practice with my voice. I seem my cousin isn't so patient with me. She didn't like to use VRS relay. She thought she don't know how to sign language to communicate with me on VP. She don't understand what is VRS relay mean. :roll: She is very narrowed-minded about sign language to communicate with me and her son. She is so lazy! We were communicate on our text messages each other. And even write on note. She is the pride to have son with CI than me. She treated me like a deaf dumb. Because I don't use my voice that much. I am totally deaf tone! But still I am learning with voice. I can lipreading a little bit. When I get CI hook it on. It might will able to help me understand the sound and communicate.

I'm not proud of my deafness yet. I will be proud of deaf with CI. The most annoying is my cousin always lied to deaf people. She treated them like a deaf dumb. :roll: She is stubborn! I can't change her and her son to do. I am back off. Her son isn't my child. When I have baby and must teach my baby to learn sign language at early before speech. My baby will be smart than my cousin thought. I can make my cousin feel so stupid for not use sign language to communicate with me and her son.

She prefer call her son hearing-impaired instead deaf. She is still in denial. She don't understand the deaf community with device for technology. It's all her responsible with her son's need for device like sonic bed alarm. I rather not to discuss with her about deaf community. I handed off! Let them experience in themselves. If I mention about "deaf" and she would be piss off easily. That's why I don't want to debate with her.
Ah, the story of my life. I am surrounded by hearing people only so I am the only hoh person they encounter. When I was in school my teachers thought as long as I sit in the front of the class I should be able to hear them perfectly. They didn't understand that when they turned their back to me I would not be able to lipread thus not catch everything they were saying.

I speak perfectly so I have heard this one often:
"How can you be hoh? You have perfect speech and you "look" like everyone else."

Of course I look like everyone else! I am not an alien people! :confused:
I can't hear anything with Hearing Aids so I don't use them at all.

But I hear really good with CI on....I can even hear people on the phone pretty good. I rarely have problems from hearing people on the phone.... my family members and friends who are Hearing knows to speak up little louder and clearly. And If I misunderstood them or didn't get it first time, they would gladly to repeat it. I hear my Dad and Grandma the best on the phone... as they both know the most what to do in order for me to hear them on the phone. The only thing that sucks is that I don't recognize the voice on the phone... I'm only able to recognize my Dad's voice, that's all... no one else. So I have to look at the Caller's ID to know who's calling or ask the person who it is. There are times that I would use the Speaker because I can't hear them in nosy place.... like if I'm driving and someone calls, I just turn it on and place it on Speaker... then place it on my lap and talk to the person on the phone as I continue to drive.

There has been times that People think I hear perfectly because I have CI, and they think CI makes me Hear everything.... so not true. I can't hear whispers at all... no matter how many times people whisper, I still can't hear time... all I hear is the sssss sound of the whisper... and if they're facing me, I can read their lips easily when they whisper, but I don't hear what they're whispering.

I've been told many times by strangers and some people that I know that I speak so well, that they're "amazed" that a deaf person can speak so clearly and so well like a "hearing" person. That annoying me a lot... It took me about 18 years of my life to speak like this.... I had YEARS of speech classes, YEARS of lipreading classes.... it's not easy at all.... it takes a lot of effort.

What really annyoins me the most is the people that mumbles.... I have to ask them to speak up louder please and to speak more clearly but they just continue on mumbling. I get frustrated with that because I can't understand them and I can't read their lips. There's been a point that I just given up on trying to understand them and just pretend listening to them.... and eventually the conversation would ease. It's just not worth of my effort to try to understand them if they won't stop mumbling or speak up clearly for me.
Ah, the story of my life. I am surrounded by hearing people only so I am the only hoh person they encounter. When I was in school my teachers thought as long as I sit in the front of the class I should be able to hear them perfectly. They didn't understand that when they turned their back to me I would not be able to lipread thus not catch everything they were saying.

I speak perfectly so I have heard this one often:
"How can you be hoh? You have perfect speech and you

Of course I look like everyone else! I am not an alien people! :confused:

Wow! That's a new one to me! I guess there are people out there that expect deaf/hoh people to look abnormal or what?
Its old topic but we all get treated differently at one point or another with ignorant people and we who use hearing aids.